I Miss Them

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Y/N POV 5:46p.m

It's been three months since I left the compound, and even though I'm not sure when I'll be able to return, I believe it's unfair not to allow Wanda to see her children. I don't want to keep them from her, especially when they keep asking for her, and I have to come up with excuses and falsehoods to tell them. Despite the breakup, I understand the importance of their relationship as a mother and her desire to be with them.

She also missed their first birthday but we still celebrated and Yelena came the day after their birthday not making it obvious by coming the day. They have been learning to talk more and we have discovered their powers Aiden has teleportation, I found out when I left him in a chair while I looked after breakfast and he started crying and teleported to the counter. Pietro has super speed which is ironic, we learned that when I was playing chasing them around the house and he super speed-ed.  Yelena has come to visit like she promised just not too often, she should be coming today.

Ding Dong I heard the door bell ring and I smiled and walked to open the door and saw Lena. "Hey you're early" I say and she walked in, "Yep" she said running over to the twins to play with them. "Auntie El" they say running toward hers and she started pretending to be a zombie and started chasing them. I walked to the counter and picked up half of the peanut butter sandwich and then the door bell rang, "One second" I said and walked over to the door and opened it to see Natasha.

"I knew it" she said hugging me and I just stood there. "What are you doing here and how did you find me?" I asked moving away from her. "I'm a spy Y/N, I knew my sister was hiding something from me so I followed her." she said and I just looked away. "Y/N come home we all miss you and Wanda is completely broken, she barely comes out and she doesn't talk to anyone really" Natasha said and before I could respond Pietro zoomed into the room.

"Nat, Nat" he said excitedly and she picked him up and looked at me. "Pietro has powers" she asked shocked, "Yes and Aiden has teleportation" I said and then Yelena walked in. "Natasha what the hell you followed me" Yelena said angry. "How could you,  you knew where they were and didn't tell us. You saw how broken we were and stayed silent" Natasha said angry going up to her.

"Natasha I think you should leave" I said taking Pietro from her. "NO I'm not leaving without you and if I leave I'm gonna tell everyone you're here and if you run Tony will find you in seconds. Please come home, you don't have to talk to us until you're ready but come home everyone misses you" she said and I thought about it. She's right, Tony will find me in seconds because he knows which part I'm at and he'll search everywhere so will Natasha and Wanda,I don't want to be moving a lot with the twins.

"Fine" I said and I started packing, A couple hours later I packed everything and returned the furniture and Nat wouldn't let go of the twins the whole time back. We arrived at the compound and saw Wanda standing outside waiting for us. Natasha must have texted her, as she saw us she started running towards us. The twins started wiggling out of Natasha's hand and ran towards Wanda. "Mommy" they said giggling and while she hugged them I walked inside and saw everyone running towards me asking questions. "Not now guys" I said and walked up to the room and I laid on the bed and fell asleep exhausted.

When I awoke, I was greeted by the sound of my twins' laughter, and I opened my eyes to find Wanda lying beside me with her arm wrapped around my waist. As I tried to get up, Wanda prevented me from doing so, telling me not to ruin the fun. She exclaimed "Jump on Mommy," and the twins giggled as they piled on top of me. Wanda whispered into my ear, "We'll talk later, but first the twins' happiness," and I knew that she was right. We had promised not to argue in front of them, so I forced myself to smile and joined in the play. After a while, Wanda and I laid down with the twins, and they slowly drifted off to sleep.

Once the twins were finally asleep, I carefully placed them in their cribs and pushed Wanda away from me. I then made my way to their room, and Wanda followed behind me.


After Three months we finally found them. Natasha texted me that she found them by following Yelena and boy I was gonna deal with her later. I knew Y/N wasn't gonna wanna be near me but I couldn't stand not being near her any longer so when I went up to her room and saw her sleeping I knew what I had to do. I hugged her while she slept just inhaling her scent then stroked her hair and started tickling the twins with one hand and they giggled and she started to wake up. She tried shuffling away from me but I got on top of her and Told the twins to do the same. "Don't ruin the fun, We'll talk later but first the twins happiness" I said smirking and she played along until the twins fell asleep and she pushed me off and walked into the next room and I followed.

"I didn't come back because of you, I came because Natasha practically forced me back and I felt like I was being selfish keeping the twins" she said. "It was selfish I missed my baby's first Birthday, I spent the whole day crying, feeling bad about myself, feeling angry because I caused that. I caused my family to leave, I should have come to you to talk things through. I should have pushed away vision and if I could go back in time and stop that day from happening one hundred percent I would do it but I can't and would love if you gave me a chance to make it up to you" I said caressing her cheeks and she looked away.

"Wanda I don't-" she started but I cut her off, "I don't want the twins to grow and we are separated I don't want us switching twins, you finding someone else would shatter me, I really can't live without you.  I don't want you to date me just because of the twins. I want us to get back together because you forgive me and want to start again" I pleaded. "we will work on it, I'll give you space and time to think, no rush" I said and for the first time she actually looked at me but then looked away. "I need space to think okay?" she said, still not looking at me and I hugged her thanking her and she didn't hug back but at least she will think about it. "Lets go to bed" I said holding her hand and she wouldn't budge. She shook  her head no and I was gonna say something but I remember space, time and No rush. "Okay goodnight I love you" I said turning her face to kiss her forehead then walking out of the room.

1270 words
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