Baby Shower

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I woke up to Wanda placing kisses all over my face. "Happy five months" she said giggling ,and I laid on top of her, my back to her chest while her hands are on my belly. "I think we should start picking out names" I told her and she hummed. "If it's a girl then Aurora, and if it's a boy Anthony?" I told her. "What no Tony is gonna be cocky thinking we named the baby after him" Wanda said laughing. "Okay what are your names" I asked her, "Okay Tommy and billy" for the twin boys and if  twin girls, "Wynter ,Esabella" and I started laughing.

"They don't even rhyme and how are you so sure about twins" I ask her, "Wanda and Pietro don't Rhyme, and they are twins" she said kissing my head then the most beautiful thing happened. "Omg did they just kick" Wanda squealed in excitement. "Yes, Yes they did" I said and they kicked again. "Woww" Wanda replied we waited a few more minutes but they stopped and we were just smiling. I got up and Wanda as well and we took a shower and got dressed ,(We both are wearing dresses) and went downstairs to see everyone standing waiting for us and when we reached near them Nat and Thor popped a confetti.

"What's this about" I asked "baby shower and gender reveal" Thor responded, Of courseA few days ago we did an ultrasound and gave Natasha and Yelena the results "Aww" I responded I had no idea today was the reveal but seeing Wanda's face she knew it was. We partied, laughed and cried before it was time for the reveal. We had a balloon in each hand ready to see if it was both pink or both blue "3...2...1...0" the team shouted and both me and Wanda popped the balloon in our hand it  was PINK but then I turned towards Wanda and saw it was BLUE, we're having twins. "I knew it, we're having twins" Wanda said lifting me up and spinning me and I just laughed before we kissed.We all celebrated and now it was time for the presents.

Wanda and I sat down and Clint gave us his gift it was a small bow and arrow and we laughed. Yelena was a baby vest, of course ,Thor was a tiny Mjolnir necklace,Loki was a small tesseract ,Bruce was a baby monitor. Natasha's own was a two sided Stroller and a breast pump,A baby bag ,a baby strap carrier,and a car seat. Bucky gift was a changing table ,Sam was a rocking chair. "Thank you guys so much" I said with appreciation. "Ah we're not done yet" Tony said and then motion for Wanda and I to stand up and we did. 

They blindfolded us and we started walking, after a minute or two we came to a stop and our blind fold was removed, we were at the spare room next to Wanda and I  that no one uses.
I looked confused before we opened the door and I was shocked. It was a nursery room with two cribs, a closet full of baby clothes with each draw labeled how old. There were diapers ,wipes, A playpen, a small bed that could fit me and Wanda,Crayons,A bag full of pacifiers ,Toys of all ages,Everything you could think of for a baby was there. "Vola" Tony said and I immediately pulled him into a hug. "Thank you ,Thank you so much Tony" I smiled, "You're welcome plus I didn't do it alone everyone helped ,with the building of the crib,the decorations the Clothes and everything" he said and I turned to everyone.

"Thank you guys so much, How did you guys do this much stuff without us knowing and we're right next door?" I asked, chuckling. "Simple soundproof the room and then worked on it when either Wanda was at training and you were watching her, When you guys went on dates or doctors appointed or Shopping, basically when you guys left" Tony replied and I was truly happy. Wanda hugged and thanked all of them ,and we all stood there amazed at how pretty it looked while Bucky and Thor went for the presents downstairs and placed them inside.

We started heading downstairs when Tony stopped us, "One more present" We walked into his lab to see a robot. "Guys this is vision 2.0, Personally Wanda's and Y/N's bodyguard and also the babies " he said turning on the robot. " Hi miss Y/L/N and Miss Maximoff I'm Your assistant if you may put it that way, I'm Vision" he said floating over to us to shake our hands. "He sounds like Jarvis" I said to Tony. "Technically he is Jarvis ,I replaced Jarvis so now it's called F.R.I.D.A.Y" he said while we shook Visions hands. "You guys I'm truly grateful for your gifts and everything you've done for us" I said one more time, we all did a group hug and walked back downstairs.

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