Bruce you messed it up

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Wanda's POV

I woke up and turned to my right to see my beautiful girlfriend fast asleep, and I slowly got up out of bed and made my way to Bruce. "Hey Bruce" I greeted him while walking into the medical "Hey Wanda what can I do for you?" he asked, turning around to face me. "Can Y/N give birth at eight months soon nine" I ask him "Most women give birth at seven months so it might not be surprising if she gives birth at Eight to nine months yes Why? He asked.

"She's experiencing pain and Me and Pietro were born earlier than due" I responded, "When will Y/N turn mine months pregnant" he asked me "Around seven days" I told him. "Well it's possible her body is preparing her for birth soon, I'll keep a close eye on her, where does she feel pain?" He asked me. "Lower back,she's having stronger belly pain, It hurts for her to change positions frequently why?" I asked.

"Wanda it might be that Y/N is going into labor  sooner than we think in the next 24 hours to 48 hours" he responded getting up and walking around the room,"What,What can I do to help? How do I know she's going in to labor? How should I prepare?" I said freaking out. "Calm down Wanda, You'll know when she's giving birth when her water break and she's going through something we call 5-1-1 and that's when she has contractions every five minutes that lasts for one minute ,for at least an hour, She needs to be moving around but not for long ,she needs to eat well,relax and take it easy okay"? He said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I'll prepare the room" he told me and I nod and headed to Natasha's room. "Hey Nat,I need to speak to you" I knocked "Hey what's up" she said opening the door inviting me in. "Just got back from Bruce and Y/N might go into labor in the next 24 hours or 48 hours" I told her taking a seat on her bed, "Umm does Y/N know she'll give birth this quick" she asked. "No we thought we had at least a week left" I told her.

"Well it's gonna be alright ,Keep her fit, well rested,and healthy, I'm assuming Bruce told you about the 5-1-1" She replied. "Yeah he did, also Natasha thank you for everything truly, Thanks for your help when I didn't have my head on right when Y/N was pregnant. Thanks for being there for her. I know you'll be there for the twins as well and if I do something bad to mess up what I have or for some reason I leave, be there for them for me please" I said turning to her.

"You're not gonna leave, and if you mess up I'll help you fix it but if it comes down to it and hopefully it won't I promise I'll be there for them" and we shared a hug. "I should have told you guys this a long time ago but I don't know why I didn't but Me a--" she started but got interrupted by Y/N opening the door.  "Tasha I need Wanda have you seen - Wanda we got a problem" Y/N said barging in and I got up and hugged her. "Hey what's wrong?" I asked seeing how worried she looked, "My water broke" she responded and Natasha shot up off the bed and ran to us. "Let's get her to Bruce" I lifted up Y/N and we made our way to medical.

"Bruce it's happening" I said while changing Y/N into a gown, "Hey look at me it's okay we're gonna be okay , how long have you been having contractions?" I asked holding her hand while Bruce got everything he needed "About an hour" she said trying to steady her breathing.  "Love why didn't come get me?" I asked kissing her forehead. "Y/N you're eight centimeters dilated so we'll have to wait for some more" Bruce told us and Y/N started crying. "Hey no, No it's gonna be okay ,you're gonna give birth and pretty soon we can hold our little babies" We waited about twenty minutes before Bruce said it's time she started Pushing.

"OK Y/N I'm gonna need you to relax ,breathe and push when I tell you okay?" and she nodded "OK ready 1....2...3... and push" Bruce told her and she started pushing ,"Your doing a great job Y/N but we can't stop come on Push again we're almost there" Bruce told her and she started pushing while squeezing my hand.

"We're almost there I can see the head, one more" he said and Y/N pushed one more time before crying filled the room and I looked down to see Bruce holding a baby boy, My baby boy in his hand ,he cleaned him up and started taking care off him and then placed him down when Y/N started screaming. "Okay the next one is coming get ready again 1..2..3.. Push" he said and Y/N started pushing and then stopped, "I can't ,I can't do it" she said crying. "Yes you can you're doing great so far, one down one more left to go but you can't stop pushing" I told her kissing her head. She started pushing again and another set of crying filled the room and I looked down and saw another Boy?

"Bruce I thought you said it was a girl and a boy" I asked him. "Ultrasounds sometimes messed up" he said shyly but I couldn't care less, both my babies were finally here. Bruce took him to get him cleaned up and then came back and did what he needed to do to Y/N after he was finished he came and handed us our baby boys, and I thanked him for everything and kissed Y/N.

"I guess you get to name them both" I joked and she chuckled, "Okay we'll each name the one we have in our hands okay" she said and I agreed. "You can go first" she told me and I thought about it then answered "Aiden Anthony Y/L/N Maximoff" I told her and she nodded smiling. "Your turn love" I said and she thought about it then responded, "Pietro Nathaniel Y/L/N Maximoff" she said smiling and I started crying while nodding. "You named him after Pietro" I said kissing her forehead, "Yeah I did" and we kissed before I saw her eyes slowly closing and I took Pietro from her. "Its okay you can rest,you must be so exhausted " and she thanked me before resting her eyes

 "Its okay you can rest,you must be so exhausted " and she thanked me before resting her eyes

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Mixed babies with curly hair.

1129 words

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