You're Back

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[September 3 the twins are ten months old]

"Hey babe wake up" Wanda said shaking me. "Hmm" I hummed opening my eyes looking up at her, "I'll be back by three I've got a mission" she said sitting at the end of the bed. "Please be safe," I said sitting up to kiss her .

"I love you" I told her and she kissed me again, "I love you more" she said and I went back to bed and two hours later. I woke up and looked at the clock and saw seven a.m and I got out and walked towards the kids room and saw them standing up reaching for each other and I smiled.

"Good morning my babies" I said picking them up and giving them a bath and taking one myself. I made my way downstairs and put them down in the living room with Bucky and Steve. "Good Morning guys," I greeted and they started playing with the twins. "Good Morning" they said and I smiled and started making breakfast. I made porridge for the twins and gave them to Bucky and Steve to feed them.

I sat down eating when I heard little feet running inside and I looked up and saw Morgan. "Sissy" she said jumping into my arms and I picked her up and placed her on my lap, "Hey you have gotten so big, I missed you" I said hugging her. "I missed you too, now where's my nephews" she said giggling and she heard them and ran over to play with them and I laughed.

Natasha then entered the kitchen, "Hey" she said making cereal. "Hey Tasha, what's up?" I asked her, drinking a glass of water. "Going to training, Wanna join?" She asked and I turned to Bucky and Steve and they gave me a thumbs up and I held her hands. "Yeah I haven't worked out for a long time" I told her. "Lead the way" she said and we headed to the training room together and started warming up, " I'll go easy on you" Natasha said laughing and going in for a punch and I grabbed her wrist and flipped her over.

"You and your girlfriend have the same moves" she chuckled getting up and she attacked again trying to kick me in my chest and I blocked it and punched her. "Not Bad" she said punching me, we trained for another three hours before I told her I needed to go. We walked towards the living room together and saw Morgan, Aiden and Pietro together on the couch sleeping, with Bucky and Steve watching the movie. "Hey Buck I just got back from training do you mind bringing the twins up to their rooms for me please and Steve can you bring Morgan to Tony and Pepper please" I asked and they nodded.

Bucky lifted the twins up and brought them up to their rooms and I thanked him and said goodbye to Natasha and showered, I then got out and put my clothes on. I heard the twins and happily went to them gave them a quick bath and then started breastfeeding them and looked at the clock and saw 3:23 p.m.

I took the twins by the hands and we headed towards the main entrance, eager to see Wanda. We waited for about ten minutes until the jet started landing, and the twins' excitement grew. As Wanda made her way out, the twins broke free from my grasp and ran to her laughing, their arms outstretched. Wanda picked them up, showering them with kisses on their cute little faces and doing her trademark nose scrunch that always made them giggle. Their joy at seeing their mummy was a sight to behold.

"Hi, I missed you guys" she said and walked over to me and placed a kiss on my lips. "You're thirty three minutes late" I said and she giggled. "I'll make it up to you'' she responded smirking and I playfully hit her shoulder and she laughed. We went inside together and she sat on the couch playing with the twins, "Wanda get up and go change" I tell her and she looked at me and smirked and snapped her fingers and she had on different clothes.

As we sat in the kitchen, Wanda took out some sliced apples and started feeding the twins, cautioning Peter to avoid Aiden's new teeth. I walked over to her and placed my hand over a cut on her cheek, healing it with my powers. She tried to pull away, but I held her hand and rolled up her sleeve to see a few slices and bruises on her arm. I glared up at her, but she just laughed and looked away. I healed the cuts, then traced my fingers over the healed wounds before taking the twins upstairs to put them to sleep in our bed. After we had a shower together, I walked over to Wanda with a smile as I crawled into bed. Good night, Wanda. I love you," and she returned the sentiment with a kiss on my cheek and a smile. We drifted gently off to sleep, feeling the warmth and comfort of each other's embrace.

863 words

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