Chapter 13- Sydney and hospital

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So we have now been on tour for two weeks now and I am so excited it means I get to go home and take Austin to see mum and dad and I also heard that that Josh was going to be in town with his new girlfriend Zoe who I haven't met yet so I am excited to meet her.

We have just landed in Sydney and Austin is asleep with his head on my lap so I carefully pick him up and I grabbed my suitcase and Calum had offered to take Austins since I couldn't because my hands were full, we walk off and are greeted by many screaming fans screaming for all of the boys so I start walking to where all of their families are to let them sign stuff.

As I am half way through the crowd I hear someone call my name I look around and don't see anyone so I keep walking but I hear my name again I turn around and see two girls pushed up against the barrier screaming my name so I walk over to them to talk to them.
"Hey guys"
"Omg you're Amelia" the blonde haired one said
"What are your names?"
I asked them
"I'm Amy and this is Becca"
The red hair girl spoke
"Do mind if you sign out phone cases and take a photo with us?" Becca asked
"Yeah sure" I said as I started to sign their phones once we took and photo the girls around us started screaming which woke up Austin making him cry into my shoulder, I turn to see Niall and Luke walking walking down the aisle talking to some fan
"Shhh Austin it's alright" I whisper to him
"Aww is that your brother"
Amy asked looking at Austin "yeah I think all of the screaming is scaring him so I better get going, but before I leave do you think we could take a photo on my phone I would like to remember this moment?"
I asked pulling my phone out of my pocket and took a picture then I quickly got their Twitter names and said bye.

I walked over tow here Luke, Calum and Niall were talking to the parents and when they all heard Austin sobbing the turned around and Niall immediately run up to me and grabbed Austin out of my arms
"C'mon buddy it's alright" Niall bounced Austin up and down whilst rubbing his back making everyone smile and the fans who were watching go crazy and start screaming louder making Austin cry even more.

Once all of the boys were done signing autographs I, along with the 1d boys got introduced to the 5sos mums
"Right Ame, Niall, Harry, Louis, Liam and Zayn this is my mum Liz, Calums mum Joy, Michaels mum Karen and Ashtons mum Anne" Luke pointed to them as he went along "oh and these are my brothers Jack and Ben, Calums sister Mali and Ashtons brother and sister Lauren and Harry" he added "and families these are Ame, Austin, Niall, Harry, Louis, Liam and Zayn" once we greeted each other the boys and I left for the hotel and the families left for their houses and we would meet up later for dinner tonight.

We have just arrived at the hotel and since we had a few hours left until dinner dinner I thought that I would take Austin to our house and to mum and dads grave
"Boys we will be back I am just taking Austin out" I shout around the room knowing that someone will hear me and I walk out the door holding Austins hand.

First I take Austin to the graveyard since he has been crying about mum and dad lately. I sit down on the grass and pull Austin into my lap "is the anything you want to tell mum and dad Austin?" I look at him and he starts talking about everything that has happened the past month and he talked about meeting the boys and how nice they are, after Austin finished he sat quietly whilst I started talking about the past month just like Austin did.

Austin and I are now walking down our street and once we get to our house Austin looks up at me smiling then runs up to the door and waits patiently as I walk up and open the door, once the door is open Austin quickly runs up to his room and starts playing with some of the toys he left behind and I walk around the house looking at all of the photos of our family.

"AMEEEEEEE!!!" I hear Austin scream after five minutes of quietness I run upstairs to Austins room to see him on the floor holding his arm and tears streaming down his face so I rush to him "Austin what happened?" I asked sitting him up and carefully taking his arm into my hands "I..I was jumping on my bed like I used to and I fell off" he sobbed as he cuddled up to me "c'mon I will call the boys to take us to the hospital" I said taking out my phone and dialling Ashtons number.

No more than 15 minutes later Ashton pulled up with Michael and ran out to me "what happened? You sound shaken up on the phone" then he looked at Austin who was crying into my shoulder whilst holding his arm so he quickly walked up to the car and we all got in then he drove us to the hospital.

We have now been waiting in the waiting room for ten minutes and Austin has not stopped crying once "Ame what were you two doing? How did Austin break his arm? who's house is that?" Michael broke the silence with all of these questions
"Um we were visiting home, Austin fell off his bed and that was our house" I answer carefully
"Were you visiting your parents?, Why weren't they at the airport today?" Ashton spoke I looked down hoping Austins name would get called out but it never did, as I was about to answer Austin spoke up "Milly and Josh says that they are in a better place and they are watching over us" Austin repeated what Josh and I said after their funeral, I pulled Austin closer to me while a year came out of my eye "oh my god Ame why didn't you tell us, I wouldn't have brought it up" Ashton pulled me into a side hug as I sobbed "Austin Cowell" the doctor called out "do you want one of us to come with you or will you be fine?" Michael asked as I stood up "I'll be fine" I followed the doctor to his room.

Austin needed a cast on his because he broke it "so Austin what colour do you want?" The doctor asked after 30 seconds of thinking Austin decided he wanted to get a light blue cast because he wanted everyone to write their names on it. Once the doctor had put on his cast we had to leave because their was only 1 hour to get home and get ready to go out to dinner.
We got back to the hotel and everyone ran up to Austin asking him what happened then Harry complained "aww how come you guys got to sign his cast first?" he pouted then I came back "because we were there when he got it on duh" he just laughed and grabbed a marker off the table and started to sign it "oh can you please leave a space on it I want Josh to sign it tonight" I asked as he just nodded "oh my god Josh is coming to dinner?" Niall screamed as I laughed and nodded "are you parents coming I would like to see them as well?" I looked down and Michael and Ashton looked at me then Michael answered "um her parents aren't coming tonight because they are actually in a better place" he said but Niall still didn't get it "what do you mean they didn't want to see you when you came back to Sydney I thought they would be here" I looked down again but once again Austin spoke up "no mummy and daddy will never be here they are in a better place watching over us" he sobbed and ran over to me as everyone now understood and Niall now looked guilty.

We have now just pulled up outside Luke's house and I was in a car with Luke, Calum, Michael, Ashton and Austin "um Luke what's your address? I just need to text it to my brother since he and and his girlfriend are coming over" Luke nodded and said his address and I realised that it was literally in the street next to where I used to live, do I messaged Josh knowing he would find it easily and we all went inside.







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