Chapter 2 airport

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I woke up at 8am to look down and see Austin still asleep in my arms, I feel so sorry for him because he lost his parents at such a young age now who is he going to rely on to help him in life, I guess he has me but I can't help him when he has guy stuff because I don't know anything about that.

I walked down stairs and started making bacon for Austin knowing that him and I don't like eggs so there is no point cooking them. After I cooked I went to wake up Austin only to find him looking down and crying again so I went up and hugged him pulling him in my lap letting him cry into my shirt

"c'mon Austin you're alright you still have me and Josh will always be a phone call away and we can go visit him ok? We promise we will never leave you alone" I stroked his hair as he slowly stops crying "now there is breakfast down stairs let's go eat then we will start to pack for London okay?" He just nodded and went downstairs.

While we were eating breakfast I got a text


Hey Amelia

I have given you $2000 dollars in your bank account for you and Austin just incase you need to get some stuff before you come here and when you guys get here we will go on a shopping spree to get new clothes and furniture for your rooms


I read it and told Austin to go get dressed so we could go shopping.

While we were at the shops we bumped into some of my 'friends' who only use me for my parents money but I just ignored them and told Austin that we would buy lots of DVDs, Lollies, ice cream and a lot more junk so we could have a movie night tonight.

We got home from the shops and immediately got all of the blankets and pillows and made a little bed where we could sit and started to watch frozen which was his favourite movie and started eating all of the junk food we bought. After Three movies it was 8:30pm and Austin was now asleep with his head in my lap while I was still watching despicable me but I decided to set my alarm for tomorrow and go to sleep.

I woke up at 5am due to my alarm going off, I look down and see that Austin is just waking up "Hey Aust how are you feeling?" I ask as he just shrugs and stands up to go get dressed as I do the same.

We are now at the airport and I am carrying Austin because he is still really tired "do you want to go get a drink from Starbucks?" I ask know that he loves Starbucks as much as I do, he picks his head up off my shoulder and starts nodding eagerly.

It is now our turn to order and just as we are about to order four obnoxiously loud boys walk in
"hi what can I get you today?" The lady asked
"uh can I please get two caramel iced coffees please" "sure and what are your names?"
"Oh Amelia and Austin" I smile as I got to wait.

Our names get called out 5 minutes later and Austin and I go to get our drinks, Austin gets his first and runs back to the table but when I get mine someone runs into me making me spill my drink all over myself.



Hope you like the chapter I know nothing really exciting is happening right now but there will be stuff happening in future chapters because I don't really want to make a boring book





If you like it

Love you all


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