Chapter 6- IDIOTS

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I walked into the hallway a bit more and dropped my bags with a loud thud making the boys stop and look at me "REALLY SIMON I THOUGHT YOU KNEW ABOUT MY HATRED FOR THESE PEOPLE" I burst out making everyone looked shocked at me and Austin just hug my legs tighter at my random outburst "Ame you know that I signed them so obviously they would be staying with me" Simon scolded me
"Whatever, where are Austin and I's bedroom we are very tired" I say looking down at a yawning Austin and picking him up as he nuzzles his head into my neck.

After we get shown around the house Simon lets us all go to our rooms, Austin and I got the biggest room with a bathroom and a double bed on each side of the room and a walk in closet and it is decorated in blue, black and purple decorations. Luke and Calum share the room beside us they had a room that was just a bit smaller than ours and still had a bathroom but the walk in closet wasn't as big and in the room across from Austin and I's were Michael and Ashton and they have the same size room as Luke and Calum and on the floor below us was the 1D boys and Simon which was good because it meant that I didn't have to see their faces all of the time.

When we got our rooms I set Austin and I's suitcases on the ground and put him into bed then got into my own bed.
When I woke up I looked over to see Austin still asleep so I got up and went downstairs to get us some food, I was halfway down the stairs when I heard people talking "why doesn't she like us" i heard someone say "I don't know but she doesn't really like your band but don't worry she will get used to you boys" I heard someone who sounded like Simon say, after there being a silence I took that as my chance to continue walking down the stairs, as soon as I walked into the kitchen everyone looked at me "what can a girl not get herself and her little brother food?" I ask breaking the silence and walking to the cupboard to see a packet of chips so I took them up to our room.

After waking Austin up and eating Simon comes into the room "just letting you know that we are all going out for dinner so please make sure that you and Austin are ready, oh and please wear something nice" and with that he walked out of the room and into Michael and Astons room to tell them.

I dressed Austin in some some jeans and a nice shirt and some converse while I dressed in a nice blue and black dress that was long at the back and short at the front with some black heels (dress is pinned to the top). Austin and I went downstairs to see everyone else there dressed similar to Austin, after everyone was ready we left and went to a fancy restaurant to have dinner.

The seating arrangement at the table was Niall, Luke, Michael, Liam, Zayn and Simon on one side and Calum, me, Austin, Ashton, Harry and Louis on the other so I was sitting across from Calum.
Throughout dinner I talked to Luke, Calum, Michael, Ashton and Niall, he wasn't as bad as I though but he kind of reminded me of one of my best friends from year seven but I didn't take any notice of that, as much as the 1D boys tried I didn't talk to them.

After dinner we all went home and went to bed to get some sleep since Simon was taking Austin and I out to go shopping tomorrow. I fell asleep after putting Austin to bed only to be woken up by Austin screaming really loudly and hour later.

I jumped out of bed and ran to Austin and pulled him onto my lap "sshhh what's wrong Aus?"
"I...I want mum..mummy" he stuttered out due to his sobbing
"Mummy's not here right now" I said trying to calm him down "BUT I WANT MUMMY" he shouted making me scared because I didn't know what to do "is there anything you want I can go get you some Ice cream" I said hopefully there was someone or something else "I want Luke" he said without hesitation "but hun Like is sleeping we can't wake him up" I tried to calm him down "I...WANT...LUKE!!!" He yelled again "fine I will go get him" I said getting up and walking to Luke and Calum's room, I opened the door to see Luke and Calum lying in their beds sound asleep I walk over to Luke's bed and shake him but he doesn't wake up "Luke" I whisper but he still doesn't wake up "Luke" I try again but he still doesn't budge "Luke" I say shaking him harder and he finally wakes up "wha..what's going on?" He wakes up looking confused and tired "I'm really sorry Luke but I can't calm him down I don't know what to do and he said he wants you" I ramble as Luke sits up in his bed
"Hey it's alright I will go get him just calm down ok" he gets and walks out of the room leaving me to follow him to my room, I walk in to see Luke and Austin lying in Austins bed with Luke talking to him quietly I smile as Luke walks over to me
"If it's alright you can sleep in my bed for tonight I will just go to your room" he nods and I walk out and go lie in Luke's bed.





sorry it took so long to write this I have been really busy with school so I had no time to update but I will try and update when I can

Hope you like this chapter




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