Chapter 24- proposal

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I wake up quiet early this morning and decide to go look around for a good breakfast shop so I quickly get dressed and leave a note for the boys but as I am about to walk out of the door Austin walks into the front of the bus

"Where are you going?" He asks rubbing his eyes

"I am just getting some food, you wanna come?" He nods so I pick him up as he lays his head in my shoulder and we walk out of the bus.

After about 10 minutes of walking Austin and I find a McDonalds so we go in and order about 30 hash browns for everyone and we walk back to the bus.

On the way back to the bus we run into some fans

"OMG YOU'RE AME!!" A blonde girl screams

"Ah hi" I turn around confused at to what they were doing up at this time

"Why are you girls awake so early?" I ask them

"Oh we could sleep so we decided to go for a walk" the brunette answered

"So what are your names?" I say

"I'm Emily and this is Caytlin" the blonde one said

"Well I really have to get the boys food to them before it goes cold so do you guys want a photo or an autograph?" I ask as they pull there phone out ready to take a picture of me and Austin who had recently fallen asleep on my shoulder and I also signed their phone cases and headed back to the bus.

When I got back to the bus Niall and Michael were sitting at the table talking and stopped when I walked I automatically grabbing the bag out of my hand

"Wait until I wake the rest of the boys" I say going to the bunks and waking up the boys and also waking up Austin.

After we ate breakfast we went to sound check to get ready for tonight's show. I have Austin to the boys since they look after him when I am on stage and started my should check.

I went backstage after sound check to see Josh, Zoe and a few of Zoe's friends in the room

"Ame this is Lauren, Samantha and Bailey" Zoe introduced me and we greeted each other and I went to go sit down on the other side of the room and scroll through Twitter.

Whilst going through Twitter I saw the pictures that I took with fans this morning so I favourited them and followed the girls before Josh came over and sat next to me

"What do you want?" I look at him

"I was coming over to give you this" he handed me a box which I am assuming had the ring in it

" I don't know where to put it" I said looking around

"Just put it in your bag, I'm sure you won't loose it in their" he say sarcastically and I laugh putting it in my bag and going to get my make up done for tonight's show.

Once I had finished my set I went and sat beside Austin who was sitting beside the stage watching everyone play so I pulled him up on his feet and we started dancing to out of my limit.

Halfway through permanent vacation Michael looked over and say me, Austin, Zoe, Josh, Lauren, Samantha and Bailey dancing really badly and started laughing which caused the boys to look over at us and start laughing, Luke even had to sit on the ground because he could hold himself up. They soon got up and continued to play their song and finish their set.

Once one direction had finished there set Josh, Zoe and their friends left while the boys and I quickly got changed and went to the restaurant where we were meeting Josh.

Once we were set up we left the room to go get out own dinner and wait for someone to come get us.

10 minutes after we finished the waiter came up to us

"Josh is ready for you guys" he said and we got up and walked into the room leaving Austin behind the curtain on stage. We get onstage and start singing, watching Zoe start to tear up at our words.

"I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up"

Austin and I started to walk away and we followed the boys out of the door as Josh got down on one knee.

Me being me decided to stand at the door and peek through the little hole in the door to see what they were saying and what she said, I could even hear Josh's speech

"Zoe I have known for a really long time now and everyday I fall even more and more in love with you.

I want to grow old and have a family with you and nobody else.

Will you marry me?"

I got excited as Zoe started crying and nodded her head so Josh put the ring on her finger and I came running in

"OMG IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU TOO!!" I scream hugging them as they laugh.

Once we all said congratulations we left the restaurant and went back to our hotels to get some sleep







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