Chapter 30- tour's postponed

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I couldn't sleep at all last night because all I could think about was how scared Austin must be and I am just so worried about him, I hope that we are able to find him soon otherwise I don't know what I will do.

During the night it got a bit too hot in the small hospital room with everyone in there so I decided to go for a little walk outside to get some fresh air and to think.
I walked around for a good half an hour before I decided to go back to the hospital, but instead of going back into the room I decided to lay down on the couch type thing that they had in front of the room.

I was laying on the couch when I saw Luke come out of the room and frantically look around, when he saw me he immediately calmed down
"Ame I thought something happened to you" he came up and hugged me
"I'm fine I just couldn't sleep" I sigh , Luke looks at me apologetically
"I know this is hard for you but trust me Simon has everyone he knows doing whatever they can to find out what's going on and I am always here to talk too" I look up at  Luke with tears in my eyes
"What am I going to do Austin is everything to me and I can't lose him" I cry into Lukes' shoulder
"Hey it's alright I promise you we will find him" he hugs me tightly and we fall asleep like that.

I open my eyes to see Josh and Simon trying to wake me up, I slowly sit up careful not to wake Luke up who also fell asleep.
"Ame your phone just went off and you got this weird text" Josh shows me my phone and there is a message from a blocked number

I warned you to stay away from they boys and now I have something of yours

Attached to the message was a picture of Austin huddled in a corner crying with a few scratches and bruises over his face, arms and legs
I quickly showed the message to Simon and Josh
"He looks so scared and helpless, he needs to get those cuts treated" Josh says
"I need to find Austin, he can't keep living in fear with that person" I stand up
"Ame please calm down, all we can do at the moment is take this to a detective and see what they can do" Simon grabs my arms
"Isn't there anything else we can do, I need Austin back" I break down crying
"I wish there was Ame I really do but there isn't, all we can do is hope" Josh pulls me in for a hug.

Luke, Simon, Josh and I are now sitting with a detective showing him the picture I got sent this morning.
"Well the team and I have studied it closely and if you look really closely at the picture there is a mirror and you can see that there is a girl taking the picture" we all lean in close and notice that there is in fact a girl behind the camera.
"Would any of you perhaps know who this girl may be" everyone shook their head but me
"She looks really familiar but because it is blurry I can't recognise her, but that tattoo on her wrist looks familiar" I say trying to get a better look at it.
"Do you mind if we take a copy back to the hotel? If  Ame thinks she's familiar then the others might know something" Simon asks and the detective nods and tells us to call him if we find something.

We arrive back at the hospital and see everyone including Darrell and Kylie sitting in the lobby waiting for us
"What happened" Harry asks
"In this picture that I got sent this morning there is a mirror and you can see that a girl is taking the picture, she looks really familiar to me but I can't name her. So we brought the picture back to see if anyone else can recognise her" I hand the picture to Harry and it gets passed around the group.

Everyone but Mila, Soph, Niall and Ashton didn't recognise her meaning that it had to be someone that we had met whilst we were on tour.
We had another show tonight so we figured that it could be one of those girls that don't like me and have gone to every single concert that we have had. So the boys were going to do their meet and greet like always and try to keep an eye out for a girl with a tattoo on their wrist like the picture.

I was onstage in the middle of singing these four walls. Listening to the crowd singing the lyrics back to me and watching them cry at how emotional the song was.
As I was singing I started to think of Austin again and how much this song relates to how I feel right now and without realising I started crying making that crowd look at me in awe but then a few tears turned into me having a breakdown on the floor on stage making the crowd fall silent.
Josh and Simon came on stage to help walk me off the stage and Luke went up to the mic so he could speak
"Hi guys, sorry about this but there is currently a situation going on right now and Ame is having a really hard time at the moment so she is going to be unable to perform the rest of her set. I'm sorry about this but the rest of the concert will be going as planned" he runs off stage as the crowd starts screaming out to me
Everyone screamed simultaneously.

The boys decided to do their meet and greet after the show so that they would still be hyped on the energy that they had on stage.
Josh, Simon and I were sitting at the back of the room that the meet and greet was in because even though I'm not in the right mind I still want to be able to be apart of this.
Although most of the fans were there for 1d there was still a few girls who came up to me at the back of the room asking if I was alright and wanting to know if I would be up for taking a picture with them.

After taking pictures with some fans I decided to go on Twitter, I saw that one of the girls mentioned me in one of their tweets

Thank you to the lovely @amecowell even though she is going through a tough time she stills manages to make us happy. Such an inspiration

I decided to retweet and follow her, I looked across the room to see her freaking out at her phone and she looked at me and I just smiled at her.
By now the crowd had died down and Josh and Simon had gone to get some food and drinks for us all I was just scrolling through Twitter when I heard a voice
"Hey Ame" the familiar high pitched voice said
"What do you want Jessica?" I look up from my phone
"I just wanted to know where that stupid little brother of yours was" she laughed and that as when I knew something was up, I looked down at her wrist only to see that she was wearing a long sleeve top, but she did look a lot like the person in the picture.
I quickly types a message to Niall

Come here now I need your help

I saw Niall look up and excuse himself from the people he was talking to
"What are you doing here Jessica?" Niall asked coldly
"I came to see my favourite person" she hugs Niall, Niall could see that I was staring at their wrist to try and see if she had a tattoo so he immediately tried to help
"Jessica isn't that jumper making you feel hot?" I asked
"Yeah you're right it is" as she started to take it off her phone started ringing
"I gotta take this"
As Jessica walked away I turned to Niall
"I think it's her we just have to check for a tattoo" he goes to answer but she returns
"Sorry Niall but I have to go deal with something at home" she flirtatiously waves
"Oh and Ame why haven't I seen that little brat running around like he always is?" She laughs then walks away.

We are all now sitting in the hotel room
"She defiantly has something to do with this" Michael says after I tell them what she was saying
"Yeah we just have to figure out how to make sure it really is her" Louis says
"It's probably not going to be easy I think that for now it is best that Ame doesn't continue the tour and she stays is Paris to look for Austin" Simon announces
"No that's not happening, I think I speak for all of us when I say that we are also staying here to help look for Austin. They are family and we don't want to leave" Liam's speaks up and everyone nods their heads and agrees with him
"Well it's settled the tour is postponed we will continue when we find Austin" Simon says messaging the people who run the 1d Twitter account so they can post that it will be postponed and continued later on in the year.






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