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Luz's POV:

It felt like time froze, just us there, staring at him, no one and nothing moving, the room was filled with a heavy silence, he looked at me then looked at uncle, he finished fixing his sleeves, then started to look around

"Uh...heeey brother, hey, it's me, hades, yOuR brother"

"Adopted brother, yes I know it's you I'm not stupid" I raised a brow and was sorta shocked, damn, wish I could just do that to hunter, he turned around and looked at me up and down and smiled, he came closer and bent down to my level

He was pretty tall,....like tall tall....

"Hi, you must be Luz, am I right?" He seems so calm about this, how!?, I nodded trying to not sweat, I had this clenching feeling in my stomach and was very nervous "it's alright, I know this might be weird, Im sure you uncle has informed you about stuff"

I kept looking to the side and nodded "uh, yeah, yeah he did" he stuck out his hand and waited for me to shake it "um, well I guess I should introduce myself, I am Lucifer, Lucifer Morningstar"

......honestly I'm suprised he is this calm, and this well with kids, he's not babying me nor is he treating me like I'm a business person either

"Soooooo....now that y'all have met, I'll be leaving......I'll take a couple more of theeeese....these are good" I looked behind d- er I mean um...idk what to call him but uncle took more of my candy....wait!

"No!-...agh come on, no he took my favorite candy, man" I sighed and went to my drawer, Lucifer got up and followed me, I rolled my eyes and flipped uncle off from where he left, I started to mumble some word in Spanish I'm not mentioning

"Heh, sorry about that, he does what he wants....what did he take?" I held the container they were in and closed the drawer all the way till I heard the 'click' sound and you couldn't tell it was there

"Ugh, nothing" I get up and toss the container away,....I can't believe he took the last of them

"It's obviously something, maybe I can help" I look up at him and raise a brow "so, mind telling me what it was?" I was sorta surprised, I shrugged and made a whiny noise "eh, it was just my favorite candy"

He raised a brow and walked to my trash can "ferrero rochers?"

I nodded and chuckled a bit, he started giggling a bit and shook his head "yeah, those are the best" he reached back and fixed his pants but when he brought his hands back around he had a box of Ferrero rochers in his right hand

My eyes grew big and I leaned out of my seat "gasp! No way! What!? How!? What in the world?....¿Qué tipo de hechicería mágica de las espeluznantes islas en ebullición embrujadas es esta?"

"Haha, te aseguro que no es brujería, I can just make things appear, disappear and reappear" as he said those words he had a coin, it looked quit big, he made it appear then rolled it along his knuckles then made it disappear and did a little jazz hand then tapped my hand and had it in his mouth

"Woah......cool" he then closed his hand then shook his fists, he opened it up and nothing happened

He noticed the confusion on my face the pointed at my front pocket

There's no way, no way......what!?

"Huh? What in the? How?" I pulled out another coin, I held it in my hand and examined the features

It looked cool, this coin had a skull of a wolf with horns and the right one being broken

It had some form of writing that looked old but it was in lines and and symbols

Inferno (TOH!!!!!) Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now