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Amity's POV:

  "Amity!! Hurry up dear! Guests will be arriving soon!"

"Yes mother!" Quickly brushing my hair and putting it up, today's the big day..the day where my mother is in charge, well she's always in charge, of everything, but today she's focused on me and my future

I guess that sounds nice, only if you really knew what I meant but, as long as people see that she's trying for my future, that's alright...right?

"AmiTy! Get down here this instant!"


I hurry out my room and to the stairs, I see my mother standing at the bottom waiting for me, the rails were polished and cleaned again for the people and the stair case was waxed, mother was ordering some butlers around placing things in order, she looks up at me watching as I go down the stairs, I was wearing a red sleeveless dress with a red bow in my ponytail

"Finally, oh don't you look ravishing, now, go find your sister and make sure the ball room is decorated and that the refreshments are iced and cold, after, come back to me and bring your siblings, be sure y'all look presentable when the guests arrive"

"Yes mother"

 Soon enough, the house was being filled with guests, car after car after car filled with families, mainly of sons, then more cars and really really rich people

 Walking around, I got compliments and people wishing me a happy birthday, there were some boys who brought their dates and some who were alone with siblings...then... "Boscha!" I see Boscha and her Brother and sister "hey amity" "hey Ames" her siblings are like my siblings but they aren't twins, Brodie and Braden, Brodie's the sister by the way

 "Sooo, 16 huh? Wow, I remember when you and Boscha were Yae high" Brodie is like 19, I think, I haven't seen her since she deployed when she was 17 but now she's back on a medical discharge, she's different, Baden is the same age as the twins but he's been away, got and early leave for collage and got a scholarship, so it's only been Boscha, now she gets a reminder of what it's like to have siblings

 "It's nice to see y'all, glad your back, and I mean back" they nodded, especially Brodie cause she knew what I meant, to be back and not to come home in a casket and a folded up flag, "hey, where's your siblings, I want to surprise them" "yeah!, they owe us from pranking my leave party, put silly string in my cake and when I cut into it, it sprayed me, lucky there was a spare cake but it's time for pay back"

 "Haha, they're most likely at the snack table, they're not allowed near the food cause they, mostly Ed, make a mess" they nodded and left, I watched as they left disappearing through the crowd of people "so, you see any guy you like?"

 "Really Boscha? Really, you know I don't like guys" she nodded and chuckled "hey, if you see any guy who has a cute sister you could just hook up with her and pretend to be with the guy" I raise a brow and roll my eyes "yeah I'm not doing that, you can tho, but I know you like willow so I bet that's a no"

 "And, Oh wait, I forgot, you already have a huge crush on Luz, come on, you need to tell her before something happens, or your mom happen, I mean, look at right now, you never know what your mom may do"

 That's true "hey, ima get a drink, you coming with?" Boscha shook her head and said she was going to try and get to the ping pong table and play some watered down kool aid pong, mainly beer pong but the alcohol beverages are off limits so, it's kool aid instead

 I made my way to the drinks and bumped into someone on the way "oops, I'm sorry- Amity!"

 "Dad! Your here!?"

 "Of course I'm here, I'm not going to miss my daughters sweet sixteen now am I, nope, I am not"

  I hug dad as tight as I could, love my dad, it's a shame I can't live with him, he travels too much and doesn't really settle down anywhere to actually live, and plus, I don't want to leave all the friends I have here, and definitely don't want to quite the baseball team, so, I guess I have to live with it

 "I ran into your siblings and they said you were here, I have to say, I surprised they were allowed with the food, I remember when they were only allowed around the snack but, I guess that's changed"

 "They're not, great, they snuck in the dining food table?" Dad nodded, "come on, let's stop those bone heads before there's no food left" I followed dad to the dining room but bumped into some one on the way "sorry"

 "It's alright-"

 Before I could say anything they left not looking at me or acknowledging to stay and here my apology, something caught my eye about them, they wore a mask but I couldn't see what kind or who it was, but they smelled nice, like sea breeze scent but better and flowery, a mix of cologne and perfume

 "Amity? You coming?" I looked back at dad then to where the person disappeared to "uh....yeah..yeah, I'm coming" I shook the thought but it wouldn't leave my head...who was that person

 For a moment, I smelled smoke but then it went away, I just thought that someone set the fire ring up and let Ed people roast marshmallows, maybe one of the butlers but no, no fire, no smoke, so where was it from?

 "Oof...Aww, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you"

 "Well that's quite alright, accidents happen, say, aren't you the birthday girl?"

 "Uh, yes sir, Amity Blight"

 "Ahh, yes, the youngest Blight, why isn't it my lucky day, I bump into the star of the show, or, you bumped into me, haha....Marcus Dinozzo, an old friend of some people here, and a fellow business Trader...Ahh, Alador! It's good to see you old friend" business trader? You mean man, business man?

 "Who are you and why are you talking to my daughter?!" My dad got in between us sizing the man, they were the same height and built but clearly my dad seemed like no match to this man, something about him is....off

 "Alador, you don't remember me? It's me, Marcus, your old buddy, remember, in high school you asked me to help you and you excelled...into this, a wealthy business man and inventor, you luckily payed me back but come on, you have to remember me"

 "I don't remember you"

 "Ah...a shame it is...I was hoping we could catch up, have a few drinks but...very well, I'll see y'all around, Mr. Blight, Ms. Blight, Happy sweet sixteen Amity"

 And with that, he left, dad had a look on his face after the guy left, a look of realization and fear, I rarely saw my dad scared but with this look, I don't think I would forget it "Come on Mittens! Let's go! We wanna spend sometime with our baby sister soon to be officially sixteen medium baby sister"

 "Ugh, fine..uh dad, you ok?" Dad had the same look but he was lost in thought, he snapped out of gaze and shook his head and smiled "uh, yeah, yes sweetie I'm ok, go have fun, and don't break anything you two or I won't hear then end of it from you mother, she'll just nag and nag not leaving me alone so please" 

 They nodded and dragged me off, I smelled the same scent again, a mix of ...Burberry and some type of cologne, that guys smelled just like the cologne...but the Burberry is stronger, I don't smell the cologne anymore, is it this guy? Ahh!- and they're dragging me again, the sent fades away and we leave the side of the guy, but now...I smell smoke again...and it's gone... where is it coming from?

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