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Luz's POV:

 By the time we got done, uncle was passed out, first, he threw up, a lot, then wanted to drink more so we had to keep him from his liquor cabinet and clean him up, and the spot he threw up in, we got him cleaned, I wasn't there so I stayed outside the door, while I did I cleaned the puke on the floor, uncle was clean and was in bed and we had to change, so we did and cleaned and did everything else

When we got back to the party it was like an hour later and they were bringing the cake out and singing happy birthday with amity standing in front of a three layer cake with only a few candles, they were almost done when it got interrupted by one of the guys amity was with

He looked drunk and grabbed her wrists and pulled her close to him and whispered something to her that made her really uncomfortable and I could feel fear radiating off of her, there was worry in the air and gasps, she tried to get away but another guy, the same guy came and pushed him and gripped on her hair and pulled her to the crowd but guy came back and hit him

He let go of her hair then sucker punched the guy and knocked him out, then grabbed amity's wrist and dragged her, I teleported over to where they were headed and as the people made way, they made way to me, I was getting pissed, and I mean really mad

He stopped in his tracks and I started moving forward, he backed up not letting go of amity, my question is, why is your mother not doing anything amity? Does she not care about your well being? Or is she drunk too?

"Who are you, what do you want!?" He let amity go and tried to push me, I stayed in place like a statue and kept walking towards him, he got frustrated making a grunt then punched me with all his strength, I wasn't prepared for it and when he did, it made me tilt my back and down and he made my mask fly off, it landed a 2 feet by my right foot

This guy is getting on my nerves, I heard some gasps and whispers, I retrieved my mask putting it back on and fixed my hair, he huffed loudly and looked a bit drunk and high at the same time, his eyes were red and he looked a mess

"What the hell are you!?" I smirked and chuckled a bit, I sensed Lucia and dad watching me "non of your concern...you should be concerned for yourself right now" he had a sent of fear but then the smell filled with anger "you don't tell me what to do!" He tried punching me but I defended my self, no off fense intended

Every strike he does is very sloppy, punching, kicking, tackling, like 2 minutes passed and I was getting tired of this, I dodged a punch stepping to the side then grabbed the back of his neck and drove him straight into the cake

Cake everywhere, on the floor in the guys face and probably up his nose, the upper layer fell on the back of his head and splatted in his hair, there were mumbles everywhere now, people talking and whispering, he got up  and whipped the cake of of his face, it's about time but Mrs. Blight finally showed up

 "Hey! What is this monstrosity!? What happened here and why is he covered in cake!? What have you done!?" She came forward and got in my face, I heard the guy grumble and I ignored amity's mom, I turned to the guy and got close to him "hey!...Touch or even get a 10 yard radius of amity, then you'll be seeing me again, got it?"

 "Is that a threat!? Against a highly respected, rich and next CEO of my father's company!?"

 I smirked, Odalia, I figured out her name, she was still pissed but got in my face once more "yeah, is that a threat? A good for nothing, trouble making, worthless, spoiled, poor bratt like you making a threat against him? Ha!"

 I laughed silently and couldn't stop smirking, have you looked at me? Bitch I don't look nothing like you said, I'm very much better looking than you, I fixed my self and took a breathe from my thoughts "ahem, no.....no I'd didn't make a threat..."


"I made a promise,... one that I tend to keep....and don't think I won't know you were near her, I'll be there...don't worry"

 "Security!! Take these two out! Now!"

 Large men came and dragged the guy away who was trying to fight out of their hold, they tried to grab me but I swatted them away and fixed my sleeve "no need, I know my way out...Amity, take care and happy birthday" and with that, I left her blushing, but before I officially left the estate, I took the sheet the cake was under and flipped it making the whole thing go up

 When it came back down, everything was clean and there was a brand new cake, three layers but much more beautiful than the other one, it had amity's name on it and cute designs, had sixteen candles in it and was a velvet purple and purple, with violet, it was elegant and wonderful, just like amity

 People were very surprised, the table cloth went down and the mess on the floor vanished, I smirked, turned back at amity and winked "feliz cumpleaños hermosa"


 "Hahaha!! You should've seen her moms face when you left, and your crushes was priceless, and the twins! Her mom went in and on about how everything was ruined but when you did that trick and made that masterpiece appear, she couldn't even be mad anymore, not at you anyways, she started yelling at her kitchen chefs about how they couldn't make a cake look that good, of course, you can only get simple cakes like that in hell, but it was delicious, I stole a piece after dad went home, I just had to tell you, here, I brought you a piece"

  Lucia had a piece for me and I took a bite, I have to say, this was very delicious, soft and moist with a lot of flavor, i dont like icing but the icing is creasy and light, it's like cool whip but better "haha! I wish I could've seen it, that jack ass touched amity, I was about to beat his ass but why waste energy on something that don't need to be wasted on"

  "But the people there, their expression were all weird and amazed and wow, haha, Arson should've been there, luckily I took a video of the whole thing, it's priceless!" we watched it until I was out of sight at the end, I laughed, it's funnier than actually being it

 "Hey, shouldn't we head inside? I- I mean you?"

 "We'll, mami's not here, she never usually is, she usually stays at the apartment room the hospital provides for her, we worked it out a while ago so it's fine, but you can come in, it's basically your house too" 

 She didn't look to convinced about that part but she agreed to coming inside, we just teleported in since there was no need to announce our presence, well....oh shoot! I forgot about Hunter!

 "Ahem! Where the hell were you!? Why the hell are you in a suit!?, with a mask!? And why are you here!?"

 She said the last part in an Interrogating tone, he knows

 "Uh, hunter I can explain, I can, uh...uh...uh,....cake?"

 Hey, y'all, hope y'all like this, um I have to say I'm pretty eager to post the next chapter, comment what you think annnd....Bye! Oh and have a nice day, bieee! :) 

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