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 Willows POV:


"Hey sis, long time no see"

 I'm shocked, I..don't know what to say..

 "Gus is alright, he jus t had a bit more stuff in the flower than you.....aw come on, don't look at me like that, I saved your lives" now I'm even more shocked, she back from hOw long she was gone!? And kidnapped us and then going to give me an attitude!?

 "Come on, you can't be thAt mad, I mean sure I did disappear without a word and did shit that wasn't very legal but like...I saved your lives!"

 I clamp my mouth shut and roll my eyes, I stay quiet giving her thAt look, she never likes thAt look, she sighs and groans

 "Ok, maybe you are still mad, hey I said I was sorry, I sent letters and I tried calling but yOu didn't answer them, I thought you would've at least been glad to know I'm alive...sorta"

 "Sorta?, what does that mean?"

 "Heh, Luz was right, still stubborn as hell"

 It took me a little bit but it dawned on me "you know Luz!?"


 Luz's POV:

 Phew.....after what? Almost a month..time had flew by and stopped, it's been a month up here with was a lot of time down there, and without powers!  Man, anyways, Dad said he'll be working on it and for us to not be involved for now and to get some work done, that mean to go back to school...and Amity is still not alright with me, we talked but she still seems edgy with me

 We talked...yeah...but I still don't know if she's cool with me now, I mean she's ok but just, I don't know 

- back on trip-

 "Amity, please, wait, look, I know I kept this secrets, a lot of secrets but I mean, what would you know? I mean, like I'm the devil, what use of knowledge would be that to you, 'oh no, I'm the next ruler of hell and daughter of Lucifer, stay away or I'll give you bad luck' I mean, come on"

 I heard amity huff in annoyance but softer than she have been, I sighed and kept trying but it's already been 3 whole months, 3 weeks, 3 days, 72 hours, 26 minutes and 38 seconds, I've been trying

 "Look, Luz.....I'm not mad,...well, sort of, it's just, I don't know, this thing is still a bit new to me and now that I know your secret and it just bothers me, I don't know why it's just weird, and now I have so many questions but I don't know what they are, i-.....I just need time, ok? I'm not mad..."

And with that, she rode off, i didn't get by what she meant but....oh shoot, her birthday party, frick, I danced with her and called her sucky names, Gah! Great! Snjnejhe! Ahhhhg, I'm a fool!


 Anyways, dad seems on edge, we're supposed to be investigating in this futher and be out there, but instead we're back here, pfff.....

 Anyways, gUeSs what I found when I got hoooome!?


 Everything was in its place at home, prince was fed, had water and the house was clean!


 Well, Hunters gone, he even wrote a 'hEaRt fElt' letter, he's off with a friend on a grand adventure, may be a few weeks, months even, don't know when or if he's coming back, great, can this get any worse!?

 *Ring ring ring*

 "Unknown caller? Who's stupid enough to call at 2:09 in the morning?"

 I answer the calls and rolled my eyes to see what the person wanted, they couldn't do anything or steal any data or information cause I don't have no money!!  And if I did I'll be broke as fuck

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