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 Luz's POV:

  Aha! Here it is, luckily mami let us go early, explore, but of course we have to stick together, I have to be stuck with hunter the whole time, we, mainly me, wanted to bring prince but he's too young to go out, she said maybe next time

 "Hey manita, you ready?, I call this one!" He jogged to a box car that wasn't really rusted and was clean, I guess I get this one, I have to stay close to him cause mama told us to not separate from each other

 I grabbed black, brown and purple, hunter grabbed the white, yellow and tan, and another brown

 I did my cool little owl logo, then signed it, next i started my half of my mask, my purple and silver owl mask but I had to use grey cause we ran out of silver, me and hunter always o half of our masks together, to sign it

 I finally got done with my half and hunter was almost done with his, we were wearing black, mainly all black so we wouldn't get caught, haha.......hopefully not like last time

 "Finally, took you forever" he got done and stepped back and looked at it, it was great, tho I wanna do more, we all way do the half masks, maybe we should do a different logo, eh, i just signed it 'BlueJ' and hunter 'GG'

 We continued to spray all the way to dusk, "hey, before we go home let's look indie the cars, I bet one of them would be a great secret hangout" I saw hunter perk up, well I will say that's a yes


 "Woah! These are so cool! This one is in good condition" I pointed a red car out and he shrugged "we need one that will stand the weather, any weather, is stable, and that has a door that works, and is hidden away"

 "Like that one?" I found one hidden away close sorta in the woods "uh yeah, sorta, let's check it out- wait hey! It has another one attached to it, and their bigger than the others! Ooh!" We rushed to the car checking it out, the door works properly, it's not really rusted, the inside of both of them look pretty good, it seems perfect

 "These two, definitely, and don't ask why both, I just wanna keep two, let's sign" we signed them and left, before I left hunter left but when I was about to go....something about mine, my train car, seemed different, just the vibe I got from it 

 I don't know, I'm probably just tired, I'm head out, Peace!


 Why? Why? I need sleep! Ugh!.......



 Pffffffttt, ugh, I can't sleep, I need to sleep!.....why can't I sleep?? Ugh mmmmm

 I felt so tired I couldn't even cry, I want to sleep, why can't I sleep!?!? whyyy!!?!

 'Maybe because you keep yelling in your mind'

 "Holy meirda!" Who the heck!? What in the world!?

 'You should try to relax, it'll help'

 I could feel my heart rate get faster, who in the world!?, I don't get it

 "Hello?....w-who's there?" I was about to get up to get my bat but I thought, what if there's someone in here, they could grab me before I get my bat

 'I assure you I won't, and why ask who's there? That's usually when the person gets kidnapped'

My eyes widened a bit, ok, ok, there is a voice in my head, there is a voice in my head.......this has to be me hallucinating 

I closed my eyes and calm down, take a few deep breathes and clear my head "hello?"......" "hello?"......"hola?"

 Nothing, ok, I guess it was me hallucinating, I roll over, shut my eyes tight and try to go to sleep, after a few seconds I loosen up and relax



'Pfffffft!!!  Hahahaha!! Oh my god! That was funny! I couldn't hold it in anymore, haha I'm sorry, ahhhhh that was too funny'

 My eyes widened and I sat up in bed, I turned my lamp on and sat there

 'What? Actually thought I was your imagination? Oh come on Luz, don't I sound real?'

 "How in the world do you know my name? Who in the world are you!?" I was starting to freak out 

 'Shhhh, don't wake your mother or hunter, please, just hold on'

 I raised an eyebrow as the voice went silent, I waited for something to happen but, nothing

 "If you looking for me to do some big intrance, your not going to see it" I instantly look at my door and saw a figure standing there "only the show offs do that, I only do that when I want to but other than that, I just *pop* pop up"

 The figure stayed there and I was stuck frozen "hehehe, ha, you have the same shocked look as your mother...haha, tho you and your father have the same look and attitude when your frustrated, or being evil....something like that"

 "How.....how in the world?, how do you know-?"

 "You? Your mother? Brother?......father?" The figure started moving closer to the light and towards me "well, I now a lot of thing about your family, especially your father, ahhh the grumpy ol lug, not really grumpy, old? Maybe"

 Whoa, ok, okay, is it wrong to find someone older than me sorta hot?.... "yeah yeah, I'm beautiful.....tho every one see's my brother as the 'beautiful specimen' in the family, maybe you'll beat him, be the one with the good looks, the one everyone falls for, the one who gets everyone, yep, I can already see it, you've inherited the genes, the 'holy hot' genes, the one who-"

 "Ok ok ok....but who are you?" The guy stopped ranting "oh! Oh hoho silly me, how rude of me, I am Hades, the God of the under world! Older brother of one Lucifer Morning Star" he bowed down

 "Or you could just call me uncle" I-....what? That suprised me "huh? Uh...uncle?" He looked at me with a questioning look "yes luz?" He was busy filing his nails and blew them off "wai wai wai wai wait, hold on, your Hades, as in the Hades from Greek mythology?"

 He nodded "yep, that's me, tho they make me look way more hideous than I really am" he rolled his eyes and did a dramatic sigh "how are you? Wait! You say your my uncle?! Who's your brother!?"

 He raised a brow alerted "oh?, you don't know? You really need to start paying attention" I raised a brow and shook my head and gave him a look, he smirked and I rolled my eyes as he chuckled "you really wanna know?"

"Well I wouldn't be asking if I don't want to know"

"Huh, oh...well.....it's Lucifer my dear...."

I raised a brow, my brain got clogged and I stopped functioning, did I hear that right? "Hehehe....Luz......your the daughter of the Devil" he smirked and i just passed out 

 "Wow, she's definitely like her father, he used to do that when he was her age....oh weeelll......welp, off to cause trouble on purpose"

 Hope y'all liked this one, btw, Hades is mainly just Bummi from TLOK but with some different characteristics but gay, maybe Bi, anyways, thanks for reading! Comment what you think, Bye!:)

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