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  Luz's POV:

   Well, this is really new, I mean, I saw her do it before but I've never imagined I would be doing it, it's cool!

 I still feel weird about not acknowledging amity when she said it was fine, I wanted to stay and talk but I have to not acknowledge her first, then get the job done, I need work on this, I'm going to need to get used to this "well, 8 down...I don't know how many more to go"

 "Hey, I have to say, uncle did a pretty nice job getting the outfits, and the perfume smells nice

, it's like we're mixed with uncle and dad, and that I mean by, uncle with the perfume and dad with the cologne, you know what I mean?" (Luz's outfits looks like the cover of 'the devil', by 'Chills_Studio33015' it's really good, should  read)

 Lucia rose a brow and just nodded "hey, you alright? You haven't been so hip since Tuesday,...is it because of the box?" She stopped in her tracks staying still then sighing and grumbled "no, I'm not mad so don't ask, I'm fine, let's get the rest of the people, and don't bring it up.....please"

 "Ok" we walked out of the room and down the stairs, I'm getting kinda hungry,...ima look for dad, maybe uncle, Lucia was looking off in the distance and shook her sighing

 "Hey, Let's go get something to eat, fix your hair, it's starting to come loose, I told you to use more gel" we walked from room to room looking for the dining room with the food, we finally find and walk in smelling the food, it smells good too, we grab some food and sit at a table, there were some people whispering about us but I shrugged it off, act professional, don't get your gloves dirty, don't spill anything on your suite and don't acknowledge them...and I can't, i- wait, is that boscha?....she has siblings?!

 "There's Boscha" Lucia looks up from stuffing her face and noticed her, she nodded and went back to eating, I want to say hi but i know I can't, and I want to say hi to amity but we weren't exactly invited to be here

 Boscha turns my way and noticed I was staring, I quickly look away acting like I was just viewing the crowd then went back to eating, I took a long sip of the tea and looked back to see if Boscha was still there but she wasn't, her sibling, I guess, we're hanging with the twins and Boscha was no where to be seen

 "Hey shorty, Daniel Langer, Peter hogan and Madison Tyler, three in a whole, let's go"


 "Hey, they're starting to dance! Let's go"

 "I don't wanna dance, anyways, there no one to dance wi-"

 "Arson?! Why the heck are you here?" Amelia was here!! "Yay! Now you can dance, y'all two talk, ok byeee, hi Amelia! Bye Amelia, have fun dancing!" I run off and slow down when I got to the side of the dance floor, I walk around for a bit and saw a few people, the twins, then some guys who seemed mad? Then Boscha who saw me and eyed me, then her siblings who pointed me out


 I walk around and see aMitY with a gUy, who was clearly over doing the flirting, then he was like, making her very uncomfortable with everything, I don't know why he was even a choice, this hurts me but makes me mad, this has got to go, he, has got to go

 "Oh come on baby, you gotta loosen up, just have fun birthday girl, come on, I want to dance"

 She got dragged between the people clearly not wanting to go, I hurried over to the guy from the side out of view from amity and swiftly replaced switched our spots and led amity to the dance floor, they started the music and I got us in place

 She was sorta squinting her eyes and when she finally realized it wasnt him who was dancing with her, she sorta relaxed but didn't cause she doesn't know me "uh, how'd- how did you?- what?" It's cute seeing her confused, especially her reaction

 I switch my voice to a bit lower tone but higher in pitch, it sound like me but only I could recognize the similarities, to others, I'll sound like a guy with a sorta high pitched and raspy voice

 "Shhh, don't worry about it, im not going to hurt you"

 "Uh- uh..thank you but, I don't know you, and uh...who are you?" She looked a bit uncomfortable, shoot, at least it's a bit, i didnt totally make her uncomfortable like the other guy "don't worry, just dance and you'll be fine, I'm not going to hurt you my dear, your safe with me, I promise"

 I could see her blush and nod, as we danced, it seemed to go slow, everything around us was blurred out and I just focused on Amity, the mask also improves and changes my facial features, I look a bit different from what I actually look like, I look more fancy and classic

 What seemed like 2 minutes was actually quite a bit of time, like 25 minutes, the song ended and I ended bowing with my leg extended and still holding her left with my right, I look up to her as she reforms from her position 

 "Uh, thanks, I just want to say sorry for bumping into you earlier"

 "It's quite alright, don't worry about it, accidents happen" man, I starting to sound like dad, she looked confused and worried a bit, looking at me with questioning eyes, she shook her head but sadly, this is where I make my exit, I lift her hand and kiss it gently before leaving, she was still recovering from what she was thinking of but when she looked back my way, she saw I was gone

 I teleported to the crowd watching her, then I went to fine dad or someone, I turn around and again, I bump into someone, but it was someone unexpected, it was Mr. Blight, amity's dad, he said a quick sorry and didn't mind me, I apologized and left

 I soon found uncle who was certainly drunk, Lucia tried to pry him away from the beer pong, which was only accessed by adults 17 and older, she tried nicely but then she finally had to pick him up over her shoulder like a kid, the people were astonished by her strength but she left finding me

 "Hey, he's drunk and too drunk to go home on his own, help me will yah? He's not exactly...calm when he drinks" she sets him down and takes an arm while I take the other arm, we start walking to a hallway with no people then went home

I promise that the next few chapts are much better, I hope u still read, hope u liked this chapt, bieee!!

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