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Luz's POV:

"WoooooHooooo! Yeah! Hahaha!!" Man! I love this!!!

Right now...uh, I may or may not be speeding away from the cops with hunter holding on, tIgHt! Damn! And he has his arms around my shoulders, get you mind right, well he did have his arms around my waist, but he's my brother

"Woohoo! Suckers!" I made a quick left and entered an alley way and pulled into a hole in the wall and waited there and turned the bike off, after hearing sirens pass then waited 15 seconds, Hunter took his helmet off and so did I

"Where the hell did your learn how to drive!!!???, where in the world did you ever get- wait nevermind, but seriously! Haha! That was crazy!"

I chuckled and he got off, I moved my bike into the alley and looked back and forth and made sure no squad cars were patrolling near us

"So, what next?" I shrugged, hunter fixed his hair and leaned against a wall

I thought for a second but I remembered something else "shit, frick, I totally forgot I said I would text Amity and let her know I'm ok, that was yesterday"

"Oof, sucks for you, why don't you tell her your feelings in the process, might as well tell her how much you love her and can't stop thinking about her"

I glare at Hunter and take out my phone


Me: hey, sry, forgot to text u yesterday, don't worry, I'm not dead

Waiting for a response I look up to see hunter give me a look and wiggle his eyebrows, I roll my eyes and made a pigeon poop on him

He yelled and gagged and I just chuckled

Amity: hi, it's alright but r u ok? You seemed a bit out of it yesterday and you ditched school

Me: yeah, I'm fine, and so what?, I've done it plenty of times

Amity: oh? Well I hope you actually learn before you ditch, and I'm glad your at least fine, whatcha doin?

Me: uh, I'm out, hanging with Hunter, how about u?

Amity: ugh, today and yesterday actually have been stressful, not wanna whine but yeah

Me: it's fine, whine to me all u want, use me to let everything out, I'm here for that also, haha so, what's on ur mind? I'm that therapist friend, also pisces

Amity: uh, thanks, glad to hear, well, uh so first off, I was worried about where you went after school and whether or not u were ok

Me: o...lo siento, I didn't mean to make u worry, sorry

Amity: it's alright, but maybe not be so sus next time you ditch school

Me: alright, ok, so numero dos?

Amity: uhh, I wanna tell but dk if I should

Me: oh, u don't have to tell if u don't want to, or if it will get you in trouble

Amity: it's fine, I want to actually, it'll help knowing I didn't keep these in, and I shouldn't really get in trouble

Me: ok, shoot, what's your feelings telling yah?

Amity: you actually sorta sound like that therapist friend, I'm actually glad ur a pisces

Me: haha, why thank you, so stop avoiding the question

Amity: alright, my mom is planning a formal dance, then after that, a party, but the dance if going to be for alot of rich people and their kids, she's planning it find me a 'boyfriend', we have to dress up nice and when the dancing starts, I bet my mom will sit somewhere with a freakin pair of binoculars and watch me

Inferno (TOH!!!!!) Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now