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Hunters POV:

 That was fun...it really was, but I feel like I'm...forgetting something, something important, I don't know, I'm just tired, I'm still trying to recover from  tonight, the whole thing before the blights...and having to sleep IN the same room as my crush, damn that's ....I don't know

 Ed insisted on taking the spare mattress he layed out, I tried to fight him for it which was pretty funny but he won and I'm currently laying in his soft, warm, comfy bed...it's really comfy...ugh! Maybe I should just confess while I'm at it, we seem to get along really really well and well..he gives off mixed signals, like sometimes, I think 'Oh! He could be into me!' Then another ris like 'oh wait, he seems more like buddy buddy then earlier, maybe I'll just over think about it'

 I start over thinking and stressing out for about half an hour then doze off to sleep


 In my dream..,it didn't seem like a dream...more like a ....memory, very recent, I was out in the rain just standing there in the middle of the street, I wasn't so wet but it looked to be starting to pour "hey kid"

 "What the- who said that!?"

 "Hey, what are you doing in the rain, your far from home kid"

 "Who says? And I can be in the rain if I want to be in the rain"

 "Yeah, but I know that you shouldn't be out here...what are you running from kid?"

 "It's none of your business"

 "You sure about that?"






 Ow! That hurt! I know the first thing in the morning I don't want anyone screaming and jumping on me "ow, man your heavy, ugh get off"

 He was laughing and I.....IIiiiieeee was trying to hide the blush that was forming, I honestly anted him to stay on me but I had to act natural, I wished my natural was ok with him laying on me "come on! The sun up!"

 "Ugh, what do you want me to do about it? Photosynthesis?....I'm not a flower"

 He grunted at that and rolled his eyes, he got off and pulled the blanket off making cool air blow on me "uuuhhhg, it's too early"

 "It's only 9:20"

 "9:20!. I'm going back to bed"

 "Get up!"




"Come on! Get up sleepy"


 "Edric, what is all this noise- who are you!?"

 "Uh mom!?"

 Oh no, well shit


 "Then, your going to weed the flower box, then help Alador with the lawn mower, after that check in with me, and no whining, you want to stay here, you work for me"

 Oh my god she's annoyingly scary "yes ma'am"

 She dismisses me and I head to to help the cook with the dishes, Ed got sent to his room, sheesh she went up to have a talk with him, hopefully it's not too bad, anyways, the kitchen was quite big and modern, different parts of the house was but the other was traditional, so was the outside, it was traditional but had some modern functions 

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