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Luz's POV:

"Wow kid, this is really something...tho Im supposed to teach you apparently a 'fraction' of your powers, so come on, I don't want dear old dad to throw a hissy fit"

I was finishing the color and the second outlining of the R

"Ok.....just....about...done" I set the cans down and took a few steps back looking a t my work, ahhh, 'Luzer' the special nickname bullies used to...well, bully me

Haha, jokes on them, it's what I use now!! Haha, how ironic

"Sooooo, what now?" I quickly took a photo of my beautiful masterpiece, I also had a small Blue J at the bottom of the wall

I sent it to hunter, I could already see him rolling his eyes

"I don't know kid ....... Wanna learn how to teleport? All you mainly do is think of where you wanna go and snap" she said that so casual, I feel like a total beginner

"Oh- ok, but I didn't really answer, thanks tho, I had no idea how to teleport"

She shrugged "how about fighting?" She looked at me and raised a brow

"Don't you already know how to fight? You've told me oh so many stories about how you got into fist fights with people and went to detention and stuff"

I shrugged "yeah but I mean like in the action movies, like black widow and like those assassin's and stuff, like batman or like ..Damien, Ras aul ghul, those assasin type of fighting"

She looked at me plainly "you are the devil's daughter..you should already know how to do those basic fighting techniques, and if you don't, eh, itll come naturally"

That got me exited, tho eda seemed bored

"Uhhhh....what to do, what to do..." I thought for a while and finally had an idea, tho I'm not sure if Eda would agree

I filled her in on my idea and she shrugged saying that she didn't care

....nsjhsnsnsh!!!!!!!! Holy Meirda!!!!

Ok!!...let's just say, I'm not great at teleporting...hehehe...

At least I could say Ive been to mount everest and Niagara falls....eh...yeah

"No more teleporting for you kid, not ever" we finally made it back to my room and she slumped in my desk chair


"At least not with me" she hugged and I laughed a bit, I changed into my outfit and put on my mask, walking over and sitting in my gaming chair I start setting up

Man, I haven't played in a while, yeah like....3 weeks

3 weeks is like 6 months in gamers time so it's been a while for me

"So what to do and what to play?" I was debating if I should play or react to something

I thought and then....I had an idea

(Honestly don't know so I'm skipping that part)


After scaring myself half to death from watching scary tiktoks and vids.....I finally stopped and quickly edited it

Usually it takes a while but eda showed me a tip of my power and machines

I decided to upload it tomorrow and turned off my systems

"Yah know kid, that was actually fun......if you thinking I had fun with watching the tiktoks, no, those were lame as fuck, I was talking about you scaring yourself"

I rolled my eyes and she shrugged

"you shouldn't get scared so easily, that's being a big fat pu-.....Wuss, being a wuss, your the devil's daughter, you should fear no one, nothing, nada, they should fear you, get tougher, you'll see more then that shit down there"

She crossed her arms and I just sat there in my thought on what monsters could be down there

She laughed and came and ruffled my hair "don't worry Luz, if you face your fears and stop beings such a scaredy cat, those monsters would seem like annoying little flies"

I got up and gave her a hug, she left saying bye and I plopped on my bed, I got under the covers thinking about what she said, I need to stop being such a wuss

At least not show fear, I fear the monters under my bed when there are none, the creatures in my closet that are just imaginary, I created them, they should fear me

I. Am the devil's daughter, I. Am the next ruler of hell, I.hold all the power, I,....am Luz, Luz Noceda....

But tho, are they really imaginary, I'm the devils daughter.... Mainly the devil...he's Lucifer, the fallen angle, I ....am the devil...

'Yes, yes you are, my brother actually isn't the devil, his chosen kin is, he chose you, now please shut up'

......uncle?...ugh! "Why are you here?! And don't ever tell me to shut up, if you do I will. Break your fucking jaw"

'ooh! Now there you go, better! Ok, fine, I got bored, and by the way your dad said that you'll meet you buddy tomorrow'

I rolled my eyes, it's ....10:34, I should go to sleep, I have school in the morning

"If dad's not the devil, and I'm the devil, who's he?"

'no one really knows, he hid his name and used Devil as a cover but he doesn't use his real title, maybe just Satan but he's hidden it for so long he probably forgot himself'

I shrugged and roll on my side, thinking about tomorrow....hehe, I'll get to see my friends and hang out with them! That's something to look forward to

My mind wondered around until I finally went to sleep, and you won't believe what I was dreaming about

Most importantly....who?

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