I love you but I also lust for you

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Tw: mentions of sexual activity, suicide, devils, obsession, and stalking

I promised you I'd never leave
It'll never hold up like a deal
I yearned for you now its
Different its a sad want like
I just finally realized its over
Like I'll never have you back
You're the reason I'm still
Alive that's why I threatened
You with me killing myself
You are everything to me
Before I was even this deep
I destroyed all our chances
In the end I destroyed you
And you never forgave me
I can not go back on my
Promise because I refuse to
Your so happy without me it
Hurts I love you I really
Fucking do and im afraid It'll
Never stop

I'm human so none of my
Deals or vows mean
Anything but fuck I can't
Help thinking they matter
If I had the chance to be
A devil I'd take that chance
And I'd live forever and fill
Out my promise but no I
Can't be given the
Opportunity I'd be exactly
How I was so I shouldn't
Even think it im so
Adamant on change yet
I want to possess you..
Control you.. destroy you..
I'm selfish I really am
My morals aren't straight
I love you I really do...
I need you...
I'm afraid I'll kill myself
Soon if nothing I worked
For means anything but
When you posted about
Me you said "I won't be
Talking to him anytime
Soon" which is a huge
Indicator that we'll
Speak again its almost
Impossible not to
God I'd follow you
Through all eternity just
For forgiveness and praise
I love you this game isn't
Over I threatened I'd be in
Your hometown during the
Summer so how can you avoid

One day your covers will
Smell of me you'll be entirely
Possessed by my scent and
My beauty you'll moan out my
Name. God I'm disgusting. You'll
Degrade me... you'll put me on
A leash and collar because im

I love you but I also lust for you


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