humans are all fucking masochists (7/20/19) 1st published on amino

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Love that precious feeling

Its like glass one wrong touch it

Will shatter like you wouldn't believe

But has humans we love killing ourselves

Slowly its just our nature to be so

Suicidal we love it all of us are fucking

Masochists what a sad thought

We like to say we hate heartbreak

Than why do we seek out love?

Thats only hurting us more

Than we need to but all of us

Secretly love the pain

And that means we will continue

Being sadistic masochists

We all know love will cause our death

How funny did you know that people

Have actually died from heartbreak

How funny if we only stayed away from

Love we wouldn't be in pain but when do i

Listen i love to disobey and i love the

Punishment in return what does that mean

Im a fucking masochist

Hahaha hilarious how i go against

My own advice

To truly tell advice you

Must first listen

And everyone we love is a sadist

Or even ourselves and than we

Or our lovers are masochists

What a dark thought

Its really hilarious how the

Love cycle fucking works

Its such a dark thout to

Let our innocent minds grasp

But who is truly innocent?

We'll love until our hearts are

Bruised and than when we are

Healed we will just repeat the cycle

Funny isn't it i know its hilarious

Knowing how destructive humans

Are to themselves but we still love the pain

And to love it we are in more pain

But fuck it we will just kill our own species

With love even though thats supposed to be

The cure

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