fuck you, scorpio

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Tw: swearing + Judaism + Christianity
(Religious concepts of Satan and God, a bit of Adam and lilith, seven deadly sins) + murder + toxic relationships

I've bled for you my wicked God

My wicked God you have truly been
Swallowed by pride its crazy
How fucking wicked you are

You fuck my angelic mind
You my wicked God is God
And I my dear is satan I will
Show you who's a better God

It got to your head and I lost my
Crown you took it fom me but I'll
Take it back now
After all it doesn't fit your cold wrath
Your devious lust
Your incredible sloth
Your pathetic greed
Your tendency of gluttony
And your obvious envy

You said you could see us ruling together
And im ready to show you who's dominant
Call me your lilith if you want

But most of all your a wicked,devilish,conceded,and Contaminated God

Ya' know honestly I've never hated someone so much, how'd you become so evil? And yet have the audacity to say "if you've changed" your so narcissistic I hate you

I want to conquer you and make you submit I wanna be you I want you to be me I want to fuck your mind so hard it fucking breaks over and over again so you know how it feels to be graced by you you fucking prick

I hate you so much, I could I apply the seven sins for me about you, ya' know
Wrath: I want you dead I wanna kill you with my hands and teeth
Lust: I wanna fuck you so fucking hard I wanna ride you until your overworked
Greed: your fucking mine and I love my property
Pride: I am fucking better then you in everything you do I've outdone you
Sloth: my efforts are quite lazily done
Gluttony: this is my favorite by far.. no matter how much you hurt me I can't get enough of your fucked up "love"

Your truly wicked but out of spite I am far worse then you I will always be better at your games you broke me to many fucking times and im done being less then equal and kneeling before your throne after all it was mine first
I hope you know I'd love to have s happy life with you just to let it all brew and then explode

Fuck you, scorpio

It's hard to believe that we were perfect once not toxic at all until it all got to your head and you and your friends fuck the entire school decided to ruin me and after that I lost my fucking throne and you yanked it right from underneath my ass and I fell from grace because your a prick and you said you loved me but you couldn't even catch me has I fell

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