C-2(Anu has a plan)

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Avu's pov:
I woke Up Anu and whisperd in her ear "Happy Birthday little sis!!" She rubbed her eyes and after 2 minutes... she again fell in sleep!!Oh godd!!This girl!!
*Avu's pov ends*

Avu: Ok..So I'm going to give this gift to someone else.
Anu: *wakes up* No no didi, I was acting to know what gift you've brought for me.
Avu: And i knew it! See there is not any gift!*Laughs*
Anu: Ohho what didi!*Fell on bed*
Avu: Btw, I have a special gift for you.
Anu: Reallyyy?Where is it?*Sits up while smiling widely*
Avu: You will know it at the evening. You remember na? We have a party at the evening?
Anu: Oh yes ofc!
Avu: Now you get up from the bed and get fresh!You've college today,right??*While pulling her hand*
Anu:OMG yes!! I'm already late!!

Avu went to her room and got ready.After Anu got fresh,they all had their breakfast. Avu left for her university and Anu left for her college.

Anu's Side
In college

Anu was looking for sm1.

Sm1: *Whispered in Anu's ear from her back*Happy Birthdayyy
Anu: Ahh! Riyaz!!

*So Sm1 is Riyaz. They hugged each other*

Anu: Thanks! Idk why this year everyone is whispering HBD to my ear!*Laughs*
Rii: I think this year your ear became more beautiful so-

*Anu punched him on shoulder*

Anu: Stop your stupid flirt!
*They laughed and went to the canteen*

At canteen

Anu: So you're coming to my bday party this evening right?
Rii: Sure!! It's my best friend's bday!
Anu: Soo..I'm planning to do something at the party for what I was waiting since a very long time.
Rii: Ohhh..So what is the plan?

*Anu said the plan to Rii*

Rii: OMG this would be great!!
Anu: Yes ik!! I'm really excited!!Finally my dream will come true!!
Rii: You're really thoughtful,I've to say!
Anu: You understood it now?*While touching her hair*

*They both laughed and left for their class*

After class...
Anu:So remember the plan and come at time!
Rii: Yess for sure!
Anu: Okayy,Byee
Rii: Byee

*They both left for their home*

Avu's POV:

-Something's gonna happen!!! What do you think is Rinushka's plan?

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