C-6(Getting closer?)

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After class,In canteen:
Sid and Avu were talking.

Ash: Avu come pls.I have to discuss about something with you[Cold tone]
Avu: Ash..we are talking. Can't we do it later?
Ash: No. It's important.Come to library.
Avu's pov: Why is she acting so weird today! Before she makes more drama,I should go.
Avu: Sorry Sid, I will talk to you later.
Sid: It's ok. I think it's important,you should go.Bye[Little smile]
Avu:Bye[Smiles back]

Avu and Ash went to library.

Avu: So what you have to discuss?
Ash: Nothing[Putting her bag on table]
Avu: What?Then why you said that?
Ash: Bcz I don't want you to talk to that boy![Little angrily while closing eyes]
Avu: Whyy?What's the reason?
Ash: BCZ I SAID![She said it and left from library]
Avu: ASH..!

Avu also left the library and went to her home.

Some days passed like this. Sidneet became very good friends.

One day in university:
(At library)
Avu: Don't you think Ash is acting weird from last few days?
Jann: Yeah I also noticed. Oh, I forgot to say you something!
Avu: What?
Jann: That day when you and Sid were taking, Ash was looking at you both weirdly and she said "I can't see them together!"
Avu: What?In Anu's bday she told me that Sid is her crush,but later Anu told me that she said Ash to tell me that.
Jann: Hmm. You should talk to her. You both are really good friends.
Avu: Yea..! [Sighed]

Avu was walking in corridor,looking down at her book. Suddenly Sm1 pulled her into an empty class and  pinned her into the wall by hands.

[Looking at straight into each other's eyes]
Avu: S..Sid..Yo..you?What happened?
Sid: You tell me what happened!
Avu: Wha..what??
Sid: The door of the next classroom was opened and you were just about get hit by that door!
Avu: I..I'm sorry. I was so busy reading that book
Sid: Be careful Avu. You're important and precious to me[Putting his one hand on her cheek]
Avu:[Confused]What do you me-

That time Avu's phone ranged. She came to a little far from Sid and picked up the call.

In call
A'm: Avu,where are you?
Avu: Mom I'm coming in a few minutes..
A'm: Ok. Don't be late!
Call ended

Avu: I..I have to go.

Avu went to Sid with a little smile on her face and and hugged him. Sid was shocked.

Avu: [Calmly]Thanks for being that much caring.
Sid: We're not strangers
Avu: [Chuckled,broke the hug and held his one hand]Can you drop me at home pls?
Sid: Sure!

Sid dropped Avu at her home.

Anu saw that.Avu entered in house. Anu held Avu's hand and took her to her room.

Anu: Why are you so late today? And who's that who dropped you?[Making suspicious face]
Avu: I had some work in library.
Anu: In library? Like some K-dramas? With..Sid?[Teasingly]
Avu: What! No!Get out!
Anu: Okk!!
[They laughed]

Anu went to her room and called Rii.
In call:
Anu: Hey!! Ykw? Sid dropped Avu at home today!Our plan is working! [Excited]
Rii: Omg. great. Wait I think,Sid has arrived at home.I will call you later. Bye.
Anu: Ok ok bye!!

"Twisted Love"-Sidneet FF[Editing]Where stories live. Discover now