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RD:They has work there,they can't come
S'M:Well,we understand.But stay here till Abhi's marriage at least?
RD:Ofc aunty,that's why ticket is after 2days,I will leave after Abhi's marriage ceremony
Sid:RD come with me
[He held RD's hand and pulled him to his room]

S'm:Don't you think there's something strange?
Abhi:Yes,what's wrong with them
Rii:Their girlfriend knows..
Rii:[Coughed] I mean..i mean no one knows

Sid's Side:
Sid:There's nothing like that how you and Avu are thinking,pls don't go bro
RD:Oh,that's why Ash likes you?that's why you both told us that you both have so called surprise for us?
Sid:Pls RD!Ash dosen't even talk to me,and that surprise matter is nothing more than coincidence!The surprise i had for Avu is,i was about to propose her for marriage!
RD: I don't wanna argue with you,i'm leaving and that's final
[He left the room]
Sid:Everything get ruined...

After 2 days(The wedding day)
At Nandra's house
Anu and Sid's Side:

Anu:See,today is Abhinavi's wedding and i don't want you and Avu to stay like this.plsss slove every misunderstanding of Avu
Sid:She won't talk to me.
Anu:Try at least!She's not listening to me and also not talking to anyone.This is my fault,i shouldn’t had tall RD about Ash
Sid:There's nothing your fault.I will try to talk with Avu

*Avu was near the door and about to leave but Sid opened the door*
Avu:Owwww..!Bandar ke bacche!My nooose..!
Sid:Omg Sorryy!!Are you okay?
Avu:Obviously nooo!
*He hugged Avu*
Sid:I didn’t see,pls sorryy
Avu:It's hurting..!
*She realised what's happening.She broked the hug and stepped back*
Sid:Pls Avu,try to understand!There's nothing like you're thinking..
Avu:I don't have any interest to talk to you!I saw everything in my own eyes!
*Sid held Avu's hand and pinned her to the wall*
Sid:That day everything was only for you! I don't have any idea why Ash came there! I love only you!![With Teary and angry eyes]
*Avu was confused and lost in Sid's eyes.Sid left her.He left the room and slammed the door*
Avu's pov:Am i really misunderstanding Sid?But i saw everything in my own eyes that day.oh god what's true[While wiping her tears]

Anu's Side:
She was standing and talking to Sm1.Rii saw that and came to her.
Rii: Hii
Anu: OH HI RII-!I was finding you!Btw,meet him..he's...

"Twisted Love"-Sidneet FF[Editing]Where stories live. Discover now