C-11(Avu is tensed!)

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A'm:What??Anu knew this?
Avu:Ye..yes mom!She didn't tell you?Then who??
A'm: Ash!She called me and said!
Avu's pov: Ash?How did she know!
*Recap ends*

*So Sm1 was Ash*

A'm: Now you tell me that why did you go there and why didn’t you tell me?
Avu: Mo..mom wo..A note of me left to him and he didn’t come to University today an..and that note is very important.So I thought maybe he is sick or something that's why he didn't come.What if he doesn't come for next 10 days?So I went to his home and I didn’t tell you bcz I thought you will be angry.
A'm: [Put her hand on avu's cheek and said politely] Ok.But do inform me from next time!I care for you beta.
Avu: [Smiled]Yea mom.

Avu went to her room.
Avu's pov: How did Ash get to know about it?!When I called Anu no one was there. And why would she even call Mom? What does she want! I have to talk to her.Otherwise one day she will make a big drama!!

Sm1: [Fake coughed]Whom are you thinking about?Is it "THAT" person?
Avu: Anu? When did you come?
*So sm1 is anu*
Anu: Okay...so you're so lost in THAT person's thoughts that you didn't even notice me?(teasingly)
Avu: Wait,Who is "THAT PERSON"?
Anu: He,for whom you lied to mom!
Avu: Oh..Si..Sid!
Anu: Yess!
Avu: N..no! I was thinking about something else. Wo As...
Anu: [Cutted her words] Well,Leave this all. Now you tell me the truth. Why did you go to sid's home?
Avu: W..wo...
Anu: Ik ik!!!So you said yess???
Avu: Umm..ye-yea?
Anu:Yayyy!![Hugged Avu]

Later that night..
Avu's pov:I have to inform it to Reem. As she is really understanding.I can't tell it to Anu bcz her exams are near. After that she and Rii will join to our University.Then I will say to her.

Sid's Side:
Sid was looking at the sky and lost in Avu's thoughts.
Rii: Broooo[While jumping on bed]
Sid: [Came out from his thoughts with a jerk and looked at behind]Why are you jumping like a monkey? Come down from there!
[Just imagine,I'm laughing so hard guys🤣🤣]
Rii: So what to do?I heard from mom avu came to meet you today.And I'm sure she confessed her love for you.Right???

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