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After some times...
Sidshek came to Nandra's house.
A'm: Beta,tumlog?This time?
Abhi: Mom sent this things,for wedding ceremony.and...
A'm: Ok.And?
Abhi: Wo..
Sid: He wants to meet Vaish
Abhi: [slowly]wth,shut up(😐)
A'm: That's good!I'm calling her[Smiled]
*A'm left.Avu came there.She gave her hand towards Sid to hand shake.But she hand shaked with Abhi*
Avu: Hey Abhi
Abhi: Hello[Smiled]
Sid: Am i invisible?
Abhi: Ohho,I'm getting married,she's is yours don't worry
Sidneet: What?(😶)
Avu: you know?
*Vaish came there*
Vaish: I told to him
Abhi: I was surprised and also happy at that time
Vaish: Won't it be great if we fix one other marriage on our wedding day?
Avu: Whose?
Abhi: Sidneet's
*Sid coughed**Avu punched him lightly*
*They laughed*

Anu's Side:
She arrived to Ash's home.She was about to enter at Ash's room,but she stopped by hearing Rits,Rosh and Ash's voice.
Rits: Whom do you actually want?
Ash: Idk,I'm getting mad.Avu is my BFF and Sid is my crush
Rosh: you should talk to Avu
Rits: What about RD?
Ash: Tomorrow is Abhinavi's Engagement.Let's see what happens
*Anu came to home after hearing this all.she slept without saying anything to anyone*

Next day:
Nigams and everyone came to Nandras house for EM ceremony.Abhinavi was sitting together.

Avu's side:
Avu came to her room to wear ear rings.Sm1 entered and locked the door.
Avu: Anu come and help me to wear these ear rings
Sm1 didn’t response.Avu turned back and gave ear rings to Sm1.Sm1 helped her to wear the ear rings.Sm1 caught her by her waist and turned her to their side.
Avu: Sid?
*So Sm1 is Sid*
Sid: yeah,not anu
Avu: O..ok,let's go to outside everyone are waiting for us
Sid: No *He hold her hand and put a ring into her ring finger*
Avu: Sid? *She was surprised*
Sid: Ik today is Abhinavi's engagement but i want to ask you,Will you be mine forever?
*Avu's eyes became teary,she smiled and hugged Sid.Sid hugged her back*
Avu: Yesss
Sid: I wish we will stay together like this forever
Avu: Forever
*Sid broked the hug*
Sid: I have something to show you
Avu: What?
Sid: Not today,that's secret
Comment part:
Ashdeep's Side:
Ash was standing with rits.
RD: Ash?
Ash: Oh hi
RD: have something to tell you
Ash: I also have something to show you,but not today
RD: Ok then,tomorrow?
Ash: ok..

How was the chapter?Pls let me know as i don't have any motivation these days🙃

"Twisted Love"-Sidneet FF[Editing]Where stories live. Discover now