C-10(Love chapter begins)

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*Their lips were so close and about to touch.That time S'm knocked the door.Sidneet stepped back from each other. S'm didn't get any response so they entered*

S'm: What's this!
Sidneet: *Scared*
S'm: First I knocked the door,none of you responsed and now you both are standing like a statue?
Sid: Mm..mom..
Avu: Actually aunty,you came all of a sudden... that's why we got scared.
S'm: Ok ok..Avneet you left your phone on table.Your mom called twice.I came to say this.

She gave mobile to Avneet and left.

Sid: Sometimes my mom,sometimes your mom...
Avu: Sid I have to go now,I think mom is angry on me for being late.
Sid: Yea yea ok.

*Avu left the room.After some seconds she came back to Sid.She grabbed his neck by her hand, closed her eyes and softly joined her lips with his. The sudden current ran through their veins....After some seconds she broke the kiss and left.Sid was still lost that he couldn't react*

Avu's side:
She sat in car.She was unknowingly blushing.After sometimes she arrived at her home.She entered.

A'm: Where were you?Don't you know that I told you to come home before evening?[Angrily]
Avu: Mo..mom I was in university.I had some work there.
A'm: Am I looking fool to you?
Avu: Why are you talking like this?mom?
A'm: Tell that you went to Sid's home!!

Avu got shocked and looked at Anu angrily.

Avu: Mo..mom I'm sorry,Yes I called Anu and told her not to inform you about it that I'm going to Sid's home.
A'm: What?Anu knew this?
Avu: Yes mom.She didn't tell you?Then who?
A'm: Sm1! Sm1 called me and said.
Avu's pov: Sm1?How did Sm1 know!
-Can you guess who is Sm1?

"Twisted Love"-Sidneet FF[Editing]Where stories live. Discover now