Chap-27(Sidneet's reunite)

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Next Morning:
Abhi went to Sid's room.
Sid in call:
Sid:Maybe Avu will listen to you!pls talk to her
Reem:Okay I will try
call ended

Abhi:Is there someone else except you jiski "Avneetayy" sunti hain?
Sid:Meri sunti hi kahan(Slowly)
Abhi:Btw,I like to talk directly..So what happened between you and avu?I have  noticed that you both are ignoring each other!
Sid:Wrong?[Fake laughed]There's nothing like that!
Abhi:Don't lie!answer directly!
Sid:Wo..dada I have some work,byee
Abhi:Okay then I'm calling Avu!
[Sid came back]
Sid:No no no! I'm saying
[Sid narrated everything]

Reemneet's side:
At Avu's room:
Reem:I don't get it what's wrong with you!Again and again you both fight over small things!
Avu:Small things?this matter is"small"to you!??
Reem:Okay,relax!Why are we fighting?Now stop and listen to me!
Reem:Idk what did you see or what are you thinking,but throw these all in a side and think,Sid never talked to Ash normally!Ash also talk to only RD!and as you said,both rooms were decorated but none was abhinavi's room.Sid obviously didn’t decorate two rooms?
Avu:Yeaa..but what does it mean?
Reem:You think!There're so many more things which you're ignoring for one small"misunderstanding"!

Sidshek's side continues:
Abhi:Actually there's no one's fault,situation was like that.But I'm telling you,RD and Avu are gonna understand their mistake so soon!Now smile!
[They pretty smiled]

Avu's side:
She called vaish
Avu:Hi di,I want to ask you something
Vaish:Yea sure
Avu:On your engagement day,Sid gifted me a ring,yk right?
Vaish:Yea Ik,then?
Avu:Actually I heard a conv of you,rii and anu where you were saying the plan was yours?
Vaish:Maybe you didn’t hear next lines..
[Throwback to chap-23
Vaish:I mean,I just said Sid to surprise Avu.Other ideas were Sid's
They laughed]
Avu:Thanks di,I will call you later.TC
Call ended

Next day:
At University:
Ash bumped with Rii.
Ash:Sorry sorry,Do you know where's RD?
Rii:RD?He has left for airport!
*Ash Ran from there*

Sidneet's Side:
Sid was sitting alone at class.
Avu:Waise,fault is yours but I'm saying..Sorry
[She sat beside him]
Sid:If you're here to fight again,then pls don't
Avu:Huh?How will I live my whole life with this bandar without fighting?
[He looked at Avu in shock]
Sid:Are you serious?
Avu:No,I was kidding..bye..
[She stand up and turned to go.Sid pulled her hand and hugged her tightly]
Sid:Ydk how happy I'm!Finally I got you back!
Avu:I was with you always!Just irritated you a little bit
Sid:Never dare to do that again!
[They laughed]

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2022 ⏰

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