Chapter-17(A new character)

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S'm: Idk,go and check
*Sid went there*
Sid: Hey?
*Sm1 didn’t response*
Sid: Helloo?Can you pls stop eating and turn this side?
Sm1: What do you want??
Sid's pov: Wait,ik this voice!
*Sid was about to put his hand on Sm1's shoulder.But sm1 turned and put a knife on Sid's neck.*
Sm1: You forgot my voice??
Sid: Omg!!!RD!!!

*So sm1 is Randeep*

*They hugged each other*
Sid: Why you didn’t tell me,I could had go to airport to pick you!
RD: It's ok.I wanted to give you surprise and that's why i said to aunt to call you.
Sid: We're meeting after 3 years!How's uncle and aunt at London?
RD: They're fine.
Sid: You were a foodie and you are still a foodie!(🤦‍)
*they laughed*
RD: Where is Abhi and Rii?
S'm: Abhi is at office and Rii is on the way.I called them.
RD: Okk
Sid: Come to my room.I have soo.. many things to tell you.
RD: Same here!
*They went to Sid's room*

Reemneet's side:
*They sat in car*
Reem: Avu i tried to talk to Ash today but she didn't say anything.
Avu: It's ok.Maybe she's tensed about something.
Reem: Really?It's nearly 2 months she's doing like this!
Avu: Leave it na..Say about you,did you say your feelings to jai?(😏)Now don't make any drama,ik everyting.
Avu: Tera kuch nahi ho sakta!(🤦‍♀️)
Reem: *😐*
*Reemneet went to their home*

That Night:
Sid's side
*Everyone was talking at dining table*
Abhi: RD,how many months you're staying here?
RD: 1 month.
Sid: Only 1!!
Rii: What!no!
RD: I came here to meet with you all,and then i have nothing to do here.
S'm: So what?You will study at Sid's university?Even Rii is also going there after a month.
RD: Sorry aunty,it's impossible.
Sid: Possible!You will study there and it's final!
Abhi: It will be great!
RD: But..
Rii: Dinner done?Let me show your room,chaloo..
RD: But Rii..
Rii: Let's goo..

Sid: Mom,will uncle and aunt agree?
S'm: I already talked to them,they said OK
Abhi: You're the bestt!
*Sidshek hugged their mom*

After 2days of off day:
At University
*Sid and RD went to university.Sid showed RD the classroom*
Sid: Stay here,i'm coming in minutes
RD: Okk

*Sid left.Avu came there and bumped with RD*

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