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Sid: Can't you be mine forever?[Holding Avu's hand]

*Avu was silent for 2 minutes.Then she ran out of there without saying anything.Sid got his answer and left for home*

Rinushka's Side:
At College
Rii said everything to Anu about last night.

Anu: Then?What did you tell him?
Rii: I told him to go to her and directly propose
Anu: Seriously?You should have said something good!!*disappointed*
Rii: No.What if Avneet rejects?Everything will go to vain. Sid will be so much upset.
Anu: But...
Rii: *Holding Anu's cheeks*Let's see what happens!! I'm going to home.Byeee..[Rush tone]
[He left from there]
Anu: Bye...!! *Disappointed*

Sid went to home. After 5 minutes Rii also arrived. 
S'm: How was your day beta?
Sid: Good mom*sighs*
*He didn't stand for a sec and went to his room.Rii saw that and came to S'm.*
Rii: What happened to him?
S'm: Idk,I think he's upset about something.
Rii: Ok let me see.

Rii went to Sid's room.

Rii: Bro what happened there?
Sid: Nothing.
Rii: You mean she rejected?
Sid: No. She left from there without saying anything.
Rii: It's ok bro. I think she needs time.
Sid: No,she told me that she will accept someone's proposal if she loves him. So I got my answer.
Rii: You just said that she didn’t say anything. Just wait, she will come to you soon
Sid: Hmm. Let's see

Rii called Anu and said everything to her.
In call:
Anu: Should I talk to her?
Rii: I think yes.
Anu: Ok I'm gonna talk to her.Bye.
call ended.

Anu went to Avu's room.
Anu: Di? Can I ask you something?
Avu: Yea sure.
Anu: Do you love Sid?
*Avu was shocked.*
Anu: Ik everything,Rii has told me.I will explain you about it later. First you answer me. Do you...?
Avu: I..idk.I mean how can I accept his proposal? I think it's his temporary feelings for me bcz he flirts with mostly every girl and we just met some days ago.
Anu: As much as I know Sid and heard about him from Rii,he's a fun person. He's polite to everyone. That's not flirting
Avu: Yea Ik. That's not the main thing. Main thing is Idk if his love is true or not
Anu: Ok then go to Sid tomorrow,look at his eyes,hold his hands and you'll get your answer!
Avu: What how?
Anu: You'll see*Smirkly smiling*. And I'll take your answer tomorrow
Avu: Ok ok*smiling*

Next day:
At University
Avu wasn't seeing Sid anywhere. So she was asking everyone that did he come or not. Ash was reading a book.
Avu: Did you see Sid?
Ash: No![She closed the book and left from there]
*Avu thought to go to Sid's home. So she left for his home.*

"Twisted Love"-Sidneet FF[Editing]Where stories live. Discover now