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*Avu arrived at Sid's home after some times.She rang the bell.S'm opened the door*

Avu: 🙏Hello Aunty. Is Sid here?
S'm: Yea yea,come inside beta.

*Avu entered the house and sat on sofa.*

S'm: So how's everything going beta?
Avu: Everything is fine aunty.
S'm: You came to our house for the first time.Let me arrange something for you.You seat here I'm calling Sid.
Avu: Aunty actually I have an important discussion about a subject with Sid and it's already Evening.So I have to leave soon.I will definitely come another day.
S'm: Ok beta.No problem. Sid's room is in 2nd floor 3rd room.
Avu: Ok aunty.

Avu went to Sid's room.Door was open so she entered.Avu looked for sid but he was not in the room.She was about to leave but she saw balcony's door is open.She went their and saw Sid is watching the sunset.

Avu: The sunset is so beautiful.
Sid: Hm
Avu: Wish we could watch it while sitting by beach,your eyes are just like ocean.
*Avu held Sid's hand and join their fingers*
Sid: Hm.
[After 1minute]

*Sid looked beside him,saw avu and got a jerk! He left avu's hand and went a step back from her*

Sid: Yo..you??
Avu: Why?Can't I come?
Sid: Ye..yea. But how I mean why..no I mean..

*Avu held Sid's hand and put her finger on Sid's lips. Their eyes met just like the moon's reflection on ocean. After sometimes,Avu hugged Sid tightly.Sid got a shock so he couldn’t hug her back. After sometimes she broke the hug and pulled Sid to room.*

Sid: Av-
Avu: Shut up! First say,why didn’t you come to University today?
Sid: Nothing...Just I was feeling sick.
Avu: Don't lie to me!
Sid: I'm no-
Avu: Shut your mouth!! Ik why you didn’t come.
[She pushed him lightly and then hugged him]
Avu: Bandar,can't you see anything in my eyes?Can't you understand that I love you?
[Sid hugged her back tightly.]
Sid: I saw,but how  will I understand if you don't tell it to me?
Avu: Sorry.
Sid: You know what?
Avu: What?
*She unwrapped her hands from Sid's shoulder but they were still in a position of hug. Their eyes again met and their lips were so close and about to touch...*

"Twisted Love"-Sidneet FF[Editing]Where stories live. Discover now