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"What the hell happened, Jamal?" Sarah questioned the moment he opened the door for her, after ringing the doorbell for so long.

He had promised to come back and meet her in her apartment but after waiting for what seemed like an eternity, she called him.

He picked her call very late and with a sad voice. He asked her to come over to his house and she rushed there, speeding till she saw his house in sight.

Jamal didn't respond. He watched the concern on her face. It was obvious she loved him. It was obvious she cared. It was obvious she wasn't after his money. But he was still unsure if Sarah would never cheat on him. He waved the thoughts away and dragged her away from the night cold into his apartment.

He closed the door behind them and crashed his lips Into hers. He couldn't get enough of her. It was certain he had to let go. But then, tasting her lips on his, he wished his so-called to-be wife would just die and let them be.

He wished she would just reject him so his parents could change their minds. But he knew that was impossible. She was Haneefah's friend so she must be excited about it too the way his sister was excited about the whole thing.

He didn't even bother to sit his sister down to ask her about the girl. He didn't even know her and he didn't want to. All he wanted was to keep having Sarah by his side, always ready to have and satisfy him to the core.

He didn't feel the need to get married since he had Sarah but the pressure on him from his parents was making him think of settling down too. To have a family of his own.

He wouldn't have to always order before eating. He would love to have kids too. Come home to meet his wife and kids in a happy mood. He would love to have a son to play football games with. That was one thing he hadn't outgrown, even at the age of 30. He loved football games.

Sarah hadn't been bugging him about getting married and he wondered why. He knew his religion encourages marriage and the reward for it.

"Let's go to the bedroom", Sarah said to him, pulling away and jerking him out of his daydreams. Sarah was already removing her blazers and shoes.

She was ready for sex as always. Most of the time they spent together Ias for sex. They barely talk. They don't talk about their future or expectations. They only have sex, sleep in each other's arms and watch movies they wouldn't finish, because, at the end of the day, they would start making out before the movie ends.

Jamal shook his head, still staring at her blue eyes.

Sarah was stunned at his response. That was the first time Jamal would reject her. The first time he would say no to not having sex. That was surprising. Something was wrong.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" She poked his chest. She felt hurt by his refusal. She had been waiting for that since he left her apartment and now he was saying no?

A tear dropped from his eyes and Sarah knew instantly that something bad had happened for Jamal to be that way.

She moved closer and held his cheeks in her hands, speaking softly and trying to hide her desires, "Honey, what is wrong?"

Jamal only shook his head. His parent's decision wasn't the only thing making him sad. But also his sins.

Going to his parent's home and hearing his father's outburst was just as if a veil has been lifted off his face.

The veil that had been shielding him from seeing the wrong acts he had been engaging in ever since he left for London and ever since he met Sarah.

He was feeling guilty.

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