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Akeela was in her room, seated on the cane chair with a book in her left hand and a plate of fries on her lap, when the doorbell rang.

She almost hit the soda bottle on the floor beside her, when she stood up sharply to get the door.

Even though the day before had ended badly, she was optimistic about going home. She needed to go to the University the next day and get all the papers she would be needing and also to bid some of her lecturer friends and acquaintance on campus bye.

Apart from that, all other things were already in place, except for her luggages. Fiona and Bella promised to come to help her pack a day before her departure and she was relying on them. Parking was one of the things she hated doing. She wasn't good at it.

Fiona told Akeela not to look for a buyer because her boyfriend, Mark was house hunting. He was a student of the University In his finals, looking for a comfortable place near school.

Fiona thought Akeela's place was best since it was close to the school and it would save her friend the trouble of looking for who to sell the house to.

Akeela got to the sitting room and moved swiftly to the door. When she opened it, Fred was standing there, with his hands in his pocket.

Her breath hitched for a while. He looked handsome as always. He was wearing one of her favorite clothes. His muscles were out in the plain shirt and she felt like kissing him right there.

But she reminded herself that she was still angry with him. After his confession, the day before, she asked him out and he complied without arguing with her.

She left the door and moved inside. He followed.

"Good morning, baby", he got to her before she could sit. He spun her around touching her arm and his left hand rested on her waist.

Akeela closed her eyes to shut out the emotions seeping through her. She loved him. Seeing him alone was enough to melt her heart. Letting him touch her was another.

"Good morning, Fred", she moved away from his grip and flopped to the sofa.

"Are you still mad at me?" He demanded. Hearing her calling him his name was hurting him.

Where has the "babe" she used to call him gone to? He questioned himself. He didn't know why he was cheating too. But he knew his love for her was genuine.

None of the women he had slept with has ever made him feel the way he feels whenever he was with her. No woman has ever made his heartbeat so wildly in his chest like it was going to burst open. No woman. Not even his first love.

"No", she answered calmly.

"I said I'm sorry. Forgive me already, please", he looked sad and sat down beside her.

He lifted her chin up with his right finger so she could look at him. He was hurting. "I'm sorry, Keela. Please forgive me. It won't repeat itself again."

Akeelah nodded without a word.

"You've forgiven me?" He was surprised it came fast.

"No." His face fell.

"Until you tell me why you keep cheating", she told him sternly.

"It's just this once, Keela. I didn't mean to. The bitch seduced me."

"Seduced you to take her home?"

"I'm sorry", he said, ignoring her question.

Akeela scoffed. He wasn't giving her a genuine reason and it was pissing her off.  "I was turned on by it and I couldn't help it. I've been abstaining for long....."

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