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Fred suddenly became sober. He stared at the phone in shock and cursed silently. He never thought a thing like that would happen again.

He had been trying hard to control himself since the last time he got caught. Why does it have to be today of all days that Akeela decided to call him? He had been calling her for two days and there was no reply.

Just when he was seeking comfort in another woman, she called. Not only did she call,  but she also figured out he was cheating on him.

"Shit!" He stood up abruptly from the chair he was sitting on.

He was in the bedroom having sex with Edna, before they call. They were having another round when he heard the ringing sound of his phone from his living room. Edna had peeled his clothes off him from the living room and his phone was inside the back pocket.

He wanted to ignore the ringing sound at first but when he remembered he had been calling Akeela for days, he stood up from the bed and dashed to the sitting room, breathing heavily from the sex and the little distance run from his bedroom to his living toom downstairs.

He was glad when Akeela's name flashed on the screen. But the gladness had been short-lived by Edna's foolishness, he thought.

"Baby", she touched him. She had followed him to the living room wondering why he left her all alone in the middle of their business.

When she saw him sitting on the sofa in the living room, she called him baby without knowing that he was on a call with his girlfriend, who was several miles away.

Edna eventually figured out he was speaking with Akeela. It dampened her spirit. She thought something beautiful would spring up after that night. She thought Akeela was gone from his life forever. But she was wrong. She just wasn't within reach. And she wasn't gone forever.

"Get your filthy hands off me, you slut", he yelled at her angrily. If she had stayed out in the bedroom, Akeela wouldn't have figured out he was cheating on her again, he thought.

Edna was too clingy and that would cost him his relationship. He was going out of his mind because he knew Akeela wouldn't forgive him so easily this time. It wasn't the first or second time she had caught him. He needed to think of what to do to win her back.

"Slut?" Edna was dumbfounded.

"Why didn't you stay in the bedroom? Why did you have to follow me down here? What the hell is your problem?"

"My problem? Fred......"

"Will you shut your trash? Do you know what you've just done? My girlfriend is breaking up with me", he was on the verge of crying.

"What?" He had proven her assumptions right. He was still dating the girl he left her for.

"Fred...I thought...." She didn't even know what to say to him. She didn't knows how to start voicing out her thoughts and fear.

"She might break up with me again, Edna. Why do you have to be so clingy?"

"Fred... The sex we had is nothing to you?" She demanded.

"Are you out of your mind? I have a girlfriend", he shouted at her.

She wanted to slap him, kick him in the groins and shout at him too, for making her look cheap. But she knew she had to be calm. Patience does it all.

"Fred....but I love you. I haven't stopped loving you."

"Love? If you know what love means, then you wouldn't want to come in between Akeela and me. This has always been your plan, right?"

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