Chapter Twenty - Nine

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•Claire's POV•

"Make sure your paper is in MLA format! I won't accept it if it's not. " pMy father told the class. I simply rolled my eyes at this, he acpts like we're in middle school.

"Do you have something you want to say Jason?" He asked me with narrowed eyes.

"Nah." I said waving him off and he only shook his head at me.

"If you have a problem with my class then the door is right there. Some of us are trying to learn." He said and I raised an eyebrow. All of this just because I rolled my eyes.

"You know what just stay after class we'll talk about this then." My eyes widened, first day back from break and I'm already getting in trouble by my own father.

I glanced next to me at Nick who was already looking at me and he mouthed,"What are you going to do?" I simply shrugged.

" Jason for the last time stop disrupting my class. Next time I have to tell you you're out. " He said sternly. Right as he was about to continue talking about the essay he got cut off by the sound of a knock and the door opening.

"Sorry to interrupt Mr. Martez." The Dean said, his eyes skimming the room before landing on me and Nick.

They narrowed a bit before he continued,"I need to speak with Jason, Nicolaus and Kyle." Nick, Kyle and I shared a look before standing up.

"Jason come to class early next week. We'll talk then." My dad said while watching along with the class as we grabbed our stuff and followed after the dean.

"Hey Mr. Anderson." Nick said and the Dean only glanced at him.

"Hello Nicolaus." He made a face at the use of his full name and Kyle snorted.

We all remained silent as we followed after him into his office. When we arrived I noticed Jax and Tom were there too.

"Have any of you had contact with Caiden recently?" The dean finally asked and I narrowed my eyes. This is what he called us down for. All the guys shook their heads and I simply shrugged.

"Jason I know you're his roommate so you must have had some contact with him. " He said and everyone in the room looked at me.

"Caiden hates him." Tom said rolling his eyes. Oh how I wish that was completely true.

"If any of you hear from him I want you to tell him that his father would like to have a word with him." The dean said waving us off. I noticed his eyes were as cold as Caiden's which made me wonder. Why is it so important to find him? I mean I haven't seen him since that day he came over before my awful date. That was a week ago.

Oh right I should probably explain. My date with West went terrible due to that fact that the waiter tripped and all of our food went all over us. It's funny now but it obviously wasn't then. Now that I think about it I haven't talked to West since that day.

"Caiden has probably been skipping to many classes again." Tom said laughing.

"I don't think that's it. The dean wouldn't have requested all of us down there if that was the case." Kyle said, grabbing a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket.

"Man you really shouldn't be doing that stuff. It could kill you." I said my voice still deep. Kyle snorted and all the guys bursted out laughing.

"Why don't you leave the real men to hang out while you go spy on your daddy." Jax said and the laugher slowly came to a stop as they all looked at us with curiosity. I was glad we were already out of the building because at this point I didn't really know what would happen.

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