Chapter Twenty

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A/N: Claire's outfit on the side for this chapter and the picture of the ring is for later on in the chapter. Anyways,

Enjoyyy . . .



• Claire's Pov•

" Wakey Wakey Claire-bear! " I grunted keeping my eyes closed.

" Claire if you don't get your ass up I will pick you up myself and drag you by your hair to get food. I'm hungry and
decided to be nice and let you sleep in till eleven now get your ass up."

" I hate you." I grumbled throwing my pillow at him. He purposely opened the curtains letting the small amount of sunlight shine in the small dorm room. I got up stretching and threw my wig on the bed and let my blonde hair flow down my back. Nathan blew me a kiss and I scowled pretending to grab it then stomp on it.

" This is why I'm your only friend."

" You are not. " I rolled my eyes opening the suitcase that was under my bed. I grabbed a pair of black leggings and a nice shirt before going into the bathroom to get ready. After taking a quick shower and blow drying my hair I returned to the room to see Nathan sitting on Caiden's bed. Shaking my head I muttered, "Dumb ass." I slipped on my black boots and my cute coat along with my blue scarf and black gloves before turning to look at my friend.

"I'm ready." I said doing a small turn.

" Well I see someone's looking all cute for their birthday." He said throwing me my phone and key which I put in my bra. Nathan peeked his head out in the hall and nodded his head that it was clear.

"Where to?"

" I think I'm in the mood for some Denny's." I told him as we pressed the lobby button. I sighed when the elevator paused at the floor right before the lobby.

" Well look who it is." Jax said smirking.

" Who are you?" Nate asked.

" He's a conceited d*ck."

" Now why let such foul language come out of that pretty little mouth of yours?" The elevator doors opened and I didn't hesitate to walk out knowing Nathan was right behind me.

" I see she isn't going to introduce me properly. I'm Jax you may know me actually. I'm one of Caiden's good friends." The douche said catching up to us.

" That explains it all." Nate said rolling his eyes.

"Jax?" Another familiar voice said and I threw my hands up in the hair pausing.

"C'mon," I yelled." Why is everyone bothering me! This is the one day I just wanted a break."

" Someone is in a bitchy mood again." Jax said before turning to look at Nate.

"Is she always like this or is it just that time of the month?" He asked and I clenched my fists.

" Well this isn't amusing. I'm bored." Caiden said and I narrowed my eyes at his blank face. He started to head towards the elevator and Jax chucked.

" I see you haven't changed at all Caiden." He paused looking over his shoulder and stares for a second his hazel eyes were void of emotion like always. " Shut the f*ck up." He said coldly.

"Okay let's go." I said grabbing Nathan's arm and pulling him out the door. About half way to the car Nathan stopped making me stop with him. Grabbing my hands he leaned his forehead against mine looking me straight in the eyes." As your best friend I have vowed to myself to make this day absolutely fantastic." He told me and I smiled pulling him into a long hug.

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