Chapter Twenty - Seven

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A/N: That message you all see underneath the picture of Claire is a comment someone left me on one of my books from TUS. For those of you who see my messages on my message board you probably think I'm overreacting or something like that when I respond to rude comments or I don't update because of comments like that. If you got comments like this you wouldn't feel like writing either. I just thought you should all see what I deal with on almost a daily basis. That will hopefully get you all to understand why I'm doing what I'm doing in the authors at the end. Anyways,




•Claire's POV•

Caiden helped me bring in the plastic cups, bottles and bags of chips into my house.

"Claire! Where have you been?" Jeffery asked me rushing downstairs and following us in the kitchen. "Who's the nerd?"


"That's it i'm changing."

"You look nice!" I tried telling him but he shook his head, already making his way towards the door.

"Claire, this isn't my look. I only wear this shit for important meetings," He told me and I sighed knowing there was nothing I could say to change his mind.

"You don't have any extra clothes." I tried, a smug smile crawling it's way on my face.

He scoffed, "You must have been so entranced with that West guy that you didn't notice I was holding a pile of clothes." Shaking his head after a minute of me not responding he said,"Of course." The smug smile slipped from my face and instead my jaw dropped.

"I was not entranced with him and we're only friends! If that!" I yelled to him from the door.

"Is he like a new boyfriend or something? I always thought you'd end up with Nathan." Jeffery said watching me with curious eyes.

"Ew no. Nathan and I, will never be anything more then best friends." I said, scrunching up my nose in disgust.

"Whatever. It's already seven and party starts in an hour. We have to pull this off." He told me as Caiden passed us, heading upstairs.

"First door on the right!" I yelled, before looking back at my brother."Jeffery, trust me. I've been throwing parties for years. You have some pretty high party expectations which is why I brought this." He followed behind me curiously. I turned and extended my arm, pointing at the counter that had about fifteen didn't types of alcohol bottles on it.

"Yes! You f*cking Rock sis." He said throwing his arms around me, giving me a quick hug before letting me go as if I was on fire."Let's pretend I didn't just do that." Awkwardly, he scratches the back of his neck. Caiden cleared his throat, making our eyes snapped over to him. He changed back into his typical black jeans and a grey shirt.

He's wearing so many different colors it's just blinding.

"Oh good, so you aren't actually a nerd. that would ruin the party." Jeff said making me elbow his side.

"Be nice. He's the one that bought the alcohol."

"I would be the last one to ruin the party." Caiden said, an arrogant smirk on his face." I invited some friends by the way."

"You did what!?" I exclaimed.

"Just Kyle and Tom. Oh and Jax. I'm sure you invited Nathan and that chick." He said rolling his eyes as he leaned against the wall.

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