Chapter Twenty - Three

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A/N: Ello Loves! In celebration of reaching ONE MILLION READS on I'm a model that's undercover as the schools nerd, I decided to post the picture of the cover for the fourth book! Picture above/on the side. In case you missed it the name for the final book is, Getting Caught Undercover. I love you all and thanks for everything! I never thought the first book of TUS would get this far. Anyways,




•Claire's POV•

Do you ever wonder why life has to smack you on the side of the head right when something is finally going right in your life? I mean it's like the world just doesn't want you to be happy. But besides that I guess I should get back to what was currently going on...

" Well this is an interesting sight." We both froze at the very familiar voice. Shit.

" Jax uh hey man." Nick said getting off me and standing up awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. I sat up but didn't bother standing up. What? I'm lazy. Kill me if its a crime.

" I would think you were just using Claire as a cover story to hide that you're gay, but based on the giggle and girls voice I heard my guess is that he is actually a she."

" I'm curious though why would a girl come to an all boys school. Maybe Caiden is right. It seems as though you're a whore. Hm I wonder who all knows about this." Jax said tapping his chin with his index finger, before a smirk crawled it's way up on his face.

" Uh What the hell are you talking about?" I asked in my guy voice keeping the act up.

" Drop the act Claire." He said rolling his eyes." Now I wonder how much trouble you both can get in. I mean Nick you really thought it was a good idea to keep this a secret? Girlfriend or not you can get kicked out of here for this." He said making a tsk noise.

" What do you want?" Nick said glaring at him before putting out a hand pulling me up.

" I won't tell your dirty little secret if you two break up with each other." He said and I didn't bother to suppress my laugh.

" Please explain this to me. Why does the world have a problem with me being with Nick?"

" You made the player into a one woman type of man. It isn't normal." Jax said, but I knew he was lying based on the evil glint in his eyes.

" That's a shitty reason." Nick hissed.

" I don't care if I get in trouble I honestly don't need this school. I'm staying with Nick." I said stubbornly. My dad flashed through my head and I bit my lip not knowing what to do about that situation.

" Well let's go talk to the dean. I'm sure Caiden's dad would love to properly meet you." My mind went blank not knowing what to say. Caiden's dad?

" What do you mean Caiden's dad?" I asked slowly.

" Caiden's dad is the dean here and his mom is the headmistress and the school next store." I felt completely and utterly stupid. How could I not notice the similarities. Although I've never talked to the dean here I should have realized the similarities with eye and hair color. Oh and their lovely personalities.

" Jax must you do this? I want to know the real reason." Nick said wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me closer." I don't care for your shitty excuse."

" Can you at least hear me out first before you blackmail me?" I pleaded." In all fairness I don't really give a shit." He said shrugging. That mother fuc-

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