Chapter Seven

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Waking up the next morning I quietly moaned at the cold air the touched my skin and brought the blanket up to my neck. Moving closer to the warm body next me I let out a sigh at the heat. My eyes opened immediately and I let my eyes skim the room searching for my phone. I found it on the table next to the bed and squinted my eyes at the bright light. Looking at the time I seen it read 10:56.

Knowing I had to leave, I took one last look at the guy next to me who just so happened to Leon and removed his arm from around my waist and got out of bed. I definitely did not want to deal with his little morning problem. 

Putting back on my clothes from last night I searched the hotel room for a piece of paper and pen and left a quick note for him and some money for the hotel room. Once I left the room I headed into a bathroom and put on my guy stuff getting prepared to head back to the school. 

Sure, go ahead. Call me the slut. It's the typical label that society will give to those who enojoy sex every once in a while. I've embraced it, but don't get me wrong now. I'm not like Caiden who lives on the stuff and needs a new person in my bed every night. Like I said, it's a every once in a while thing for me.

I checked the time on my phone and the bus schedule. I couldn't help but let out a sigh in relief when I just made the scheduled bus and made it back to the school by 11:10. I would usually take my skateboard but I chose not to. I made my way into the school and scrunched up my nose at the smell of cologne everywhere. You could definitely tell this was an all boys school.

"Jason, man!" Nick yelled from the down the hallway walking over to me. "Where were you last night? The girls there were hot. A bunch of easy freshman"

"Oh, um, I went out instead. I had a little bit of fun of my own." I told him, I mean it was the truth except I was the girl and Leon was the guy. " Can we catch up later, maybe? I really have to go."

"Nice, man, I see someone isn't exactly sticking with his plans to just stay focused on his studies." Nick said winking and I rolled my eyes before waving and making my way up the stairs, not bothering with the elevator.

I reached my room and slid the key in the door and headed in. I took a quick shower and changed into fresh clothes before leaving my room again. I had to go see what my dad was doing since I doubt he was setting up his room still. He was one of those impulsive, setup-three-weeks-before type of guy.

When I reached his room, I was surprised to fine him not alone. He was laughing with a woman. My stomach clenched, what if mom was right? Would my dad forget about Jeffery? Would he forget about me? What about my mom? How could he just leave her alone? I mean I would be moving out soon and Jeffery only has a few more years, but still I thought our family was going great. I was always happy with the fact that my parents are one of the few couples that didn't get divorced. It would kill me if they did.

I studied how relaxed he was with the woman. She was tall, skinny, and had the perfect body with all of her curves in the right places. She has long beautiful hair that looked like Ariana Grande's, yet a bright blonde. She was the typical image of a woman who a man that's having his midlife crisis would cheat with. I frowned as he gestured for her to sit down and handed her a coffee. So those morning when he would leave early and we wouldn't see him till about 11 pm he was with some other woman. 

Don't jump to conclusions. He may just be having a conference.

That's a good point, but what conference does a teacher offer coffee? Why not a cup of water? Coffee was some expensive stuff.

"What are you doing?" I jumped and placed my hand on my heart that felt like it was moving a hundred miles per hour. I looked up at the voice and frowned when I saw it was only Caiden.

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