Chapter Four

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"Mom I don't want to do this anymore," I told her as we sat outside of the large university. I was just wearing a pair of black basketball shorts some Jordan's and a hoodie then plus my wig.

"Oh no. Don't you dare chicken out! You never know after all this you may date one of these guys some of them are fine." My mom said winking at a guy making him and I both choke on our own spit in disgust.

"Can you not," I asked glaring at her.

"Sorry, being here makes me think of my college days. I was one hot sexy prude back then." She said fixing up her hair and lipstick.

"Prude?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yea that's what all the boys would call me." She told me before puckering her lips.

"Mom, do you know what a prude is?" I asked her and she nodded.

"I'm not that old Claire I'm only 41. When they started calling me a prude I didn't know but when I asked they told me it was another word for sex goddess." She told me flipping her hair. I stared at her for a minute before bursting out laughing, tears started to form in my eyes from laughing so hard.

"What? What is so funny?"She asked me.

"Nothing mom," I told her shaking my head and biting my lip to hold back any more laughter.

"Okay, well you have to get going you want to try to get the best bed. Remember to call me so you can let me know how things are going and it's still College so have some fun and make some friends. Don't just spend all of your time stalking your father." She told me and I simply nodded. 

Yeah, because it's easy having fun and making friends while pretending to be a boy.

"Here is a bag of your regular clothes just in case you do get some free time. Just remember I love you and if anyone calls you a prude you are off to a very great start. Now bye honey!" She said waving and I shut the car door. In case you haven't noticed my mom is a little weird. I decided to make it easier on myself and put my stuff on my skateboard and just roll it.

"Great idea man." A guy told me walking next to me as he struggled with his stuff.

"Thanks!" I said and he gave me a weird look. My eyes widen and I quickly corrected myself and coughed.

"Sorry I have a cold my voice is a little off but um yeah thanks, bro," I said lowering my voice and giving him a light punch on the shoulder he gave me another weird look and nodded.

"Well, I have to go hope to see you around." He said and I nodded and he started to walk away but I still heard him mumble,


Wow, Claire 30 seconds of being here and you're already blowing it. I thought to myself sighing. I picked up my stuff off the skateboard when I noticed the stairs in front of me. Grabbing my stuff I started to slowly walk up the stairs. Finally! reaching the doors I headed in and was surprised by how nice the school was and went into the doors that had a sign that said office.

"Name?" The lady asked and I replied the name my mom wrote down on the sheet from home.

"Jason Lockwood," I replied and she typed my name into the computer.

"Room 326 here's your key and schedule." She handed me the envelope and went to texting on her phone. How friendly, I thought sarcastically. I remembered my mom telling me about this being almost like a boarding school you didn't apply you get sent here. Going onto the elevator I waited till it got to the 3rd floor once the ding went off the doors opened I started down the hall mumbling the numbers to myself as I passed.

I'm A Girl Undercover in an All Boy's SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now