Chapter Twenty-Five

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•Claire's POV•

It's been two days since the whole club thing with Caiden and I haven't seen him since. Part of me was worried that he would tell his dad and I would face the consequences, yet the other part of me knew he wouldn't tell. He's known my secret for who knows how long and hasn't spoken one word about it to anyone. Jax hasn't spoken to me since the Nick situation and I was more the okay with that.

" What are you doing?" Caiden asked with a raised eyebrow. My eyes widened, surprised that he suddenly showed up.

"Oh you're back." I say looking back down at my books.

"Yea, I have to visit someone. What do you think you're doing?" He asked slowly, his eyes skimming over my body. I was in my grey soffe shorts and a black tank top.

I decided since he already knew that I was a girl there was no point in dressing as Jason when I had free time and am in the dorm. I had nothing to hide anymore.

" You already know I'm a girl so there's no point in dressing as a guy." I say shrugging as I close my book I've been studying from. Standing up and stretching I glanced at Caiden to see his eyes were on my legs. Rolling my eyes, I walked over unplugging the charger from my laptop and grabbing it off my small desk. " So I'm curious, are you going to tell your dad?"

" No, why would I? Do you know how many guys would kill to have a girl as their roommate." He said with a smirk, though his eyes darkening at the mention of his father. I couldn't help but wonder if the reason he was so closed off was because of his parents. Did something happen with them in the past to make him like this? I knew for a fact they were divorced because of that story that Leila told me about the dean and the headmistress.

Speaking of the headmistress, I was almost positive I was going to get kicked out of the school if I didn't focus more on my fashion class. That was the only reason they let me in there was because of my creativity and my art skills. She expected me to use those skills in that class she forced me into.

They needed their fashion program to be the best and for some dumb ass reason she thought I could make it the best. I won't lie though, at some times I did enjoy the class. It could be fun to draw different outfit designs and to learn about the easiest things.

Focusing on Caiden and I's, conversation I watched as he peeled his shirt off his body and laid on his bed, turning on the tv.

" What are you doing? Now that you know I'm a girl we should settle some rules. Keep your clothes on." I said as I took a seat on my own bed.

" Listen Babydoll, things won't be changing around here. This is still my dorm and you are just simply a guest. If I want to relax in my own room and where no clothes then I will. If I want to have sex in my bed then I will." He said, in that moment I knew the old Caiden was back. " Things will go perfectly fine between us as long as you keep f*cking mouth closed."

" You aren't in charge of me Caiden Anderson." I told him looking straight at him and his hazel eyes glanced my way.

" Are you sure about that? I see you simply as a puzzle piece in my puzzle."

" And I see you as a cocky son of a bitch, but I usually don't show my dislike for you." The insult came out of my mouth without much of a thought, but it didn't seem to bother Caiden as he simply ignored me, turning the tv volume up louder. Rolling my eyes I turned my own attention to my laptop and started to type my paper due in my economics class.

About an hour later Caiden surprised me when he suddenly started to talk to me once again. " I do have to apologize for my actions when you first came to this school. I didn't realize you were actually a girl at first. If I would have known I wouldn't have punched you."

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