Chapter Two

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"You didn't come home last night." My mother said staring at my father as he walked into the kitchen. Her face showed no emotion besides curiosity 

"Yes, I know I'm sorry, sweetie, I fell asleep at the office." My dad said looking sincere. My mom only nodded.

"Are you going back?" She asked him.

"Yea they are still doing registrations today and tomorrow so it's going to be busy." My dad said and mom nodded.

"Okay, I'll pack a lunch for you." She started to take out lunch meat from the refrigerator and dad hugged and thanked her before heading upstairs to change.

"Dirty rotten liar." I heard mom mumbled causing me to raise a perfectly plucked eyebrow. She threw the butter knife on the counter causing me to jump a little.

"Something wrong, mom?" I asked and she huffed giving me one of her famous death glares.

"Claire, honey I think your father is cheating on me." She told me all of sudden causing me to choke on my cereal. A few minutes later after almost dying from choking I finally regained myself.

"What are you talking about, mom? That is ridiculous. Is this because of him sleeping at the office?" I asked her and she just shook her head.

"No, he smells like another woman! His tie was all out of place and- hello honey!" Mom said stopping what she was saying as my father walked into the room wearing a new professional looking outfit.

"New outfit?" Mon asked and he nodded.

"Work decided to give me a raise." He said and she smiled.

"That's great! Oh and Claire has found a college she is going to!" Mom said all of sudden.

"I have?" I asked through a bite of cereal.

"Where are you going?" Dad asked and I was about to tell him I had no idea but mom interrupted.

"I can't remember the name but she is going to one of the colleges in Chicago!"

"Oh wow! When do you leave?" He asked me. I sighed and just let my mom answer. "Tomorrow morning, isn't that right honey?" She asked me and I just nodded slowly. "Yea um... tomorrow?" I agreed but it sounded more like a question.

"Oh, I'm sorry I can't see you go! I'll make sure to try to get home tonight earlier and we can all have a family dinner. Shannon, please make sure Jeffery is home for dinner tonight. I got to go but bye love you both. I'm proud of you Claire." Dad told us, kissing mom and my forehead before leaving with a wave.

"Mom! What the hell was that about?" I asked her and she just smiled.

"Claire, I know which college you're going to." She told me and I raised an eyebrow in amusement. 

"Oh?" I asked and she nodded.

"You are going to the university where your dad works." She told me and I shook my head

"No, I am not.That's an all boys university and second of all, it's barely even a university. They accept 16-year-olds there." I said looking at her amused. She couldn't actually think I could go there, right?

"I know. That is why when a petite boy with a small set of boobs comes in they won't even question it." She said waving me off. 

"I don't know if you noticed, but my boobs aren't exactly small," I said causing her to glance up from her laptop.

"They will be once you put some wrap around that chest of yours."

"You must be high," I said shaking my head at her craziness. 

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