The Beginning - Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: The original story belongs to Uncle Rick except my own characters.

3rd person POV

On Long Island at a Mysterious place, a black haired sea-green eyed boy sat laughing with his friends as they talked.
That boy was Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon. After Gaia had been put back to sleep, life had been peaceful and relaxing.

"Hey Perce why did you-"Jason stopped when the ground rumbled. The demigods rushed to Camp Half blood's borders and saw something that extremely shocked them. It was the enemy of Olympus, the mother of Typhoon and the Giants. It was Gaia, Mother Earth herself.
The gods flashed in with full battle armour.

"Gaea, what are you doing here? If I recall we put you to sleep." Zeus bellowed.
"True, I was thought to be put to sleep. But I didn't go so far to lose, so a few seconds before the explosion, I made a clone of my self and initiated a transfer The one you put to sleep was 47% of me and if I recall it was the demigods who supposedly put me down." Gaia spat, a sadistic smile forming on her perfect lips.

Zeus gritted his teeth in anger. "ATTACK!" He roared. The battle was a spectacle. The gods fought ferociously. They displayed abilities which were thought to be impossible. Lightning flashed, flames raged and weapons clashed but in the end Gaia brought them down one by one until the Olympians were on the ground exhausted.
"Monsters feast and leave none alive except for those six demigods." Gaea roared as tunnels opened up in the earth allowing passage for monsters.
Everyone was scared shitless but Percy was silent. Anger was brewing in him as painful thoughts passed through his mind.
'Leo, all those demigods that died, all the sacrifices just for nothing.' Percy thought.
Power surged through him fueled by anger as he roared and summoned a tsunami that crashed into the monster army.

Percy wasted no time and willed the water to carry him to mother earth.
"You fight like a god young demigod but that is not enough to take me down." Gaia said as he blasted Percy back. Percy growled and stood up.
"Listen here bitch, I ain't fighting you to defeat you. I'm just trying to buy time for my friends and the gods." Percy growled. 

'Is this kid dumb? Why tell me your plan? Well works for me I guess.'

"And you think you will live through this?" Gaia asked with amusement.
"I don't expect to." Percy replied.
"Well I will kill you knowing that I killed a skilled honorable opponent." Gaia said to Percy with a bit of respect.
"Bring it on dirt face."
They two opponent clashed, xiphos against scimitar, Sea against Earth.
As the battle between them raged on. Gaia asked Percy some questions.
"So you think those puny gods are good enough to rule?" Gaia asked as she slashed at Percy.
The demigod in question jumped back to avoid being cut in half.
"No." He replied and attacked again.
"Then why do you fight for them?" Gaia asked surprised at his answer
"I am not doing this for them but my friends and family plus they are better than the titans or giants so we will manage. " Percy replied. He saw an opening in Gaia's defense and hit her with a full blast of high pressured water.
Gaia flew back but landed on her feet.
"Not bad for a demigod, your skill with a sword surpasses that of a god. Why don't you join me sea spawn?" Gaia said.

"How about... no."

"Fine then, die." Gaea roared.
Some dark brown smoke-like substance flew from the tips of her fingers into Percy's body. He was lifted into the air and he started shaking and screaming.

Percy's POV.

'Pain. That's all I can feel in this black void. So I am finally going to die huh. College with Annabeth at New Rome will never happen. At least I will meet my dead friends again. Yeah, why don't I just give up and find pea- Wait. What am I talking about? I can't leave my family like that. I can't let that happen, I can't let Gaia win.' I felt a tug in my gut and grabbed hold of it. I thought about the remaining seven, the two camps, my friends, my mom and dad and finally my wise girl. The tug increased and the black void exploded in a bright sea-green light.

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