Well Earned Pride(Chapter 13)

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3rd Person's POV.
"Calm down everybody. Let's talk like civilized people." Once the speaker saw that chaos still ensued, "Everybody, Quiet!".
The group of demigods immediately quieted down.
"Alright, everybody have your seats and let's talk about the matter at hand." Chiron said.
Today, the entire camp had been piled up in the amphitheatre. It was a meeting that involved the entire camp and Chiron had the head counselors organize the campers into the amphitheatre.
"As you all know we have all gathered here to discuss the matter that has set chaos and confusion here and up on Olympus, Percy Jackson." Chiron said. Murmurs were head as some of the campers expressed their views to their friends. Chiron stamped his hoofs on the ground to quiet the campers and surely they all quieted down.
"Kelli, an empousai, announced to everyone that Percy has the power of Gaia and has betrayed us and also plans to bring down Olympus. We have decided to clear the air on this matter. The Olympians are also doing the same. So first I want to know your thoughts on Percy Jackson." Chiron said in one breath.
The camp had been divided between those who believed Percy was a traitor, those who believed he was not and those who were neutral.
"He is a fuckin' traitor." A son of Hypnos yelled out. The campers immediately broke into a round of arguments.
The head counselors tried to settle Order but to no avail.


The camp became silent and looked at Jason who was crackling with electricity.
"Did you hear Chiron the first time he said quiet." Jason growled out. His Roman side leaking a bit. "In your seats everyone! No sound, no arguments. Any disobedience, oh so help me gods" Jason left the threat hanging. Everybody could feel his frustration, literally. The air was so full of electricity their skin tingled and their hairs stood up straight.
"Thank you Jason. Now after accessing the situation I can see that most of you think he has betrayed us but I personally don't think so. I th-"
"You're just being partial. And besides nobody asked you." A voice said cutting Chiron off.
"Who said that?!" Annabeth's voice was sharp and strong.
The whole camp was silent.
Suddenly she began to glow. "Again, WHO. SAID. THAT?!"
A son of Nemesis was suddenly flung out by the demigods.
"I-I'm S-so-Sorry. I was just -" He began but Annabeth cut him off.
"You were just what? Insulting Chiron or implying that my boyfriend is a traitor?" Annabeth yelled.
"I'm sorry, I-I didn't m-mean it like that." The boy whimpered. He looked ready to piss himself. But that was to be expected. The sky had darkened a bit from Annabeth's rage and the goddess herself towered over the boy as she tried her best not to obliterate the demigod in front of her.
Suddenly a voice rung out, "Annabeth, calm down." Annabeth snapped her head to the direction of the voice to see Dan.
"He doesn't know Percy like we do. He doesn't know Percy is the reason he is claimed. He doesn't know that Percy is the reason why his mother is now respected. And he doesn't know that the cabin he sleeps which is dedicated to his mother is all because of Percy." Dan ended looking at the boy. The son of Nemesis hung his head low, not being able to look at Dan.
"Kid, look at me." Dan said sternly. The boy slowly raised his head and looked at Dan.
"What's your name?" Dan asked.
"Vance" The boy said quietly.
"Now tell me Vance, Why the hell in Hades' name do you think Percy betrayed us, huh? Why the hell will you think that?" Dan growled.
"But the empous-"
"Yeah, let's just go on and believe the empousai who hates Percy with a passion and wants to tarnish his image. Yeah you people are totally right, Let's believe the monsters that have our interests at heart. Seriously guys, is that what we have been reduced to? Do we now believe and trust the monsters that always hated us?" Dan yelled out, obviously angry.
"You are just saying that because he is your brother. You and Chiron are just hypocrites." Another camper accused.
"We see the truth and you call us hypocrites. When we prove you wrong you call us partial. Listen to me all you fuckin' assholes, almost every monster hates Percy and they will stop at nothing to destroy him and strip him of his happiness. We are his family. We are his joy. Let's grow up guys. We shouldn't turn on Percy just because of some stupid slut." Dan said angrily.
The whole camp was silent thinking about Dan's words.
'Now they understand.'

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