Wolves Of Death(Chapter 14)

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3rd Person POV.

"We have to stop the monsters from getting there at all costs." Aiden said to Percy as he ran.
"Why don't we just let the monsters get there and take both the monsters and the sorcerer down?" Percy asked as he jumped over a branch. Percy and Aiden, on one of their missions left one monster alive. They had proceeded to kindly ask(yeah right😉🙄😏) the monster for info on the rebellion and it's leader. Unfortunately, it didn't know the leader's name. But according to the monster, he had a battalion of monsters make their way to a sorcerer to be made stronger. The monster said the sorcerer is called the Mage Of Science.

"I'm curious Aiden, the moment you heard this wizards name and his location, you just bolted." Percy said as the two leaped into a tree and started to jump from one to the other.

"I've heard of this sorcerer and if the monsters make it to him, well let's not think about that." Aiden said making Percy gulp.

Percy and Aiden continued to travel on top of the trees at extremely fast paces not even stopping for breaks or rest.

"We will reach there in two hours with no distractions or stops and if-" An arrow whistled past Percy's head cutting him off.

Aiden turned to the direction the arrow came from and a flash of silver caught his eye. "The hunters." He growled.

"We shake them 'em or we fight?" Percy asked. Aiden surveyed the hunters from the trees as they each notched an arrow and aimed at their general direction in the trees. The arrows came at them with unimaginable speeds as the duo dodged and avoided the seemingly unlimited arrows.

"We don't have time to waste. Let's shake them off." Aiden said, gritting his teeth as he slashed arrows into pieces.

"We will use the ice grenades, you go left, I'll go right." Percy said. He opened his palms and balls of ice started to form, six in each palm, about the size of half a tennis ball. He handed six to Aiden and kept the other six. They nodded at each other and headed to their assigned positions.

Aiden jumped from tree to tree avoiding arrows, traps and the good ol' branches.
'We are damn lucky that the moon goddess isn't here else this would've turned bad prett-'. Aiden's thoughts were interrupted as he felt something slam harshly into his side, launching him off the tree straight into another. Aiden groaned and got up while clutching his side in pain. He probably had a few cracks in his ribs.
'Damn, what was that?'
His instincts suddenly went wild screaming at him to duck. Aiden immediately ducked as three arrows embedded themselves into the tree right where his head was, with each arrow piercing through the last.

"What the f-"

"That beam was supposed to render you unconscious. Guess you are stronger than I expected, boy."
Aiden looked up to see Artemis, the goddess of the moon and chastity, holding her silver bow, ready to fire at him at any given moment.

Aiden groaned and got up, "Well, always dress to impress."

"You and the other male have evaded me for far too long. I will end this hunt today." Artemis growled at Aiden.

Aiden smirked and discreetly unholstered his gun and kept his hand on the trigger, "Let's see you try then goddess." Aiden said and shot his gun at Artemis. A blood red ball of energy, the size of a tennis ball shot straight from the gun towards Artemis.

Artemis just scoffed and in a second five silver moonlight arrows met the blast resulting in a small explosion. The moon goddess looked around but couldn't spot her target. She scoffed, the boy had run off like the weak male he is. No worries, she was the goddess of the hunt. She will find him. After that thought she tried to sense his presence. But imagine her surprise when she couldn't sense it at all. Artemis growled out and instead decided to find him the old fashion way.

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