Training - Chapter 3

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Percy POV
I groaned in pain as I got up from the floor holding my neck in pain. I rolled of the bed and hit the floor. Again.
"Welp, Time to shower." I said.
I got up brushed my teeth and showered. I wore a camp half blood T-shirt, jeans and a pair of Nikes.
I got out and went to the Dining pavilion for breakfast.
I saw Annabeth there alone reading a book.
I managed to sneak up behind her only because she was soo engrossed in the book she was reading.
"Guess who." I whispered in her ear.
Annabeth gave a very girly scream and judo-flipped me.
"Crap." I cursed in pain.
"Percy? I'm so sorry I didn't know it was you." Annabeth apologised.
"It's fine, kinda saw it coming." I said.
"Fine then, but don't ever do that again."She said her voice shifting from her caring girlfriend voice to a deadly one.
"Okay Annie but the look on your face was priceless, I've never heard you scream Soo girly like that before." I said laughing.
"Don't call me Annie." She hissed at me but the almost unoticeable smile told me she liked it.
"Anyway." I said sitting beside her. "What are you reading?"
'Something very important." She said not looking at me.
I took a peak and so a bunch of formulas and words, it didn't really make sense to me but the way my Wise Girl looked engrossed in it I'm sure it is something smart. Wait, I'm I calling myself dumb.
People started filling into the Mess Hall.
"Catch you later Wise Girl." I said. She just nodded absent-mindedly.
I made my way to the Poseidon table and my bowl was quickly filled with a Bunch of Blue Pancakes with Maple syrup.
I began to think about what to do if I go back to Bunker 11.
'Should I just go on training or should I just make more weapons' I thought to myself.
'Maybe I can make some for camp. Yeah, I'm sure we could do with some new weapo-'

"Hey Perce"

I turned to see a certain son of Jupiter.
"Hi Jace, What's up?" I asked smiling.

"Nothing much just a couple of kids asking for rides on Tempest" He answered.

"Up for a Spar" He asked.
"Sure, Anything to keep my blood pumping" I said giving him my famous lopsided grin.
"Race you to the Arena, last to get there is a rotten egg" He challenged breaking into a sprint.
"Oh you are on" I said chasing after him.
He used the wind to propel him forward giving him a boost in speed.
"That's cheating". I whined.
"Gotta keep up with the trend bro" He laughed.
I smirked. I focused on the water molecules in the air and condensed them into water. I froze it into ice and put it into Jason's path.
"What the... shit" Jason cursed followed by a large crushing sound.
I laughed and sped on.
Suddenly I had a crazy idea.
I focused on my body, slowly it started to turn into mist.
"Woah" I heard Jason's voice behind me.
I was now fully vapour. I saw Jason wreathed in lightning as he sped up. His speed increased greatly almost to that of Hermes'.
I quickly willed my mist form to travel at lightning speeds straight to the Arena. I appeared there and turned back into my normal self.
At that same moment Jason appeared beside me.
"What was that?!" We yelled simultaneously. We grinned.
"You first." I said.
"I just channeled the lightning through my entire system and that gave me a major boost in speed. The only drawback being the time limit which is roughly five seconds, ten being the max but I can work on it" He explained in one breath.

'This power basically made him The Flash'

"Okay, I just turned myself into mist and since mist is basically water I willed it to travel here at great speeds" I said.
"The only drawback is that it takes too much concentration to keep the mist together if not I will just be scattered into the air".

"Okay why don't we work on our powers after the spar." Jason suggested.

"Yeah that's a good idea after all there's no war to fight we can just kill time by training and finding new powers." I said.
We walked into the ring.
Jason pulled out his coin and flipped it turning it into a gladius. I pulled Riptide and uncapped it turning it into the familiar bronze xiphos.
"Ready?" Jason asked.
I took in a deep breath and let it out. I nodded.

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