This is Sparta - Chapter 12

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3rd Person's POV

"Is that all you got?" Percy taunted as he dodged Aiden's strike.
"Try me." Aiden growled as he shot at Percy. A red blast shot from the gun and straight for Percy. Percy however dodged it and tried to punch Aiden in the jaw only for Aiden to dodge.
"Put your weapons away. If you want to learn the Spartan Rage technique, you will need to polish your skill on using only your fist and legs." Percy instructed. Aiden nodded and sheathed his sword while putting the gun elsewhere. He raised his fists and got into a stance.
Percy also did the same and they slowly began to circle each other.
Aiden did an experimental jab at Percy but the Son of Poseidon just took a step back.
Aiden knew that it was time to be serious and sent a right hook to Percy's face only for Percy to block. Aiden then began to launch a flurry of blows at Percy. Thanks to the quick reflexes he got from being half gecko-lizard, he proved to be able to defend himself from Percy's once in a while blows.
Aiden tried to punch Percy but Percy blocked, punched him in the gut and also punched him in the face. He then grabbed the arm that Aiden tried to use to punch him and used it to swing the legacy of Ares around like a ragdoll, he then smashed the legacy of Ares into the ground.

"Fuck." Aiden cussed in pain.

"You have to man up dude. The key to learning the Spartan Rage technique is bringing out your brutality and viciousness, your ferocity. You have to dig deep to find it but don't let it take over your mind." Percy said to Aiden.
Aiden nodded in understanding and got up.
He began to walk to their resting place to grab bottles of water for both of them when a punch landed on his face.
"What the fuck man?!" Aiden shouted.
"We are not done training. From now on we will train till we all ran out of juice." Percy said.
Aiden groaned and got ready to either attack or defend.
Percy analyzed Aiden's stance and so far he had no problems. Percy knew that if he wanted to defeat Aiden, it won't be speed or strength rather skill. Percy knew he was crazy strong and fast but Aiden was faster and stronger. So the only option will be skill which Percy had.
"Try to learn the Spartan Rage while we are sparring. And remember it's all about bringing your inner carnage out." Percy said to Aiden. Aiden just gave a slight nod.
They both waited for someone to strike first but Percy saw that Aiden won't make the first move so he sent a punch at Aiden's face. The legacy of Ares dodged and sent an uppercut of his own to Percy's jaw but the son of Poseidon sidestepped and tried to punch Aiden in the face. Aiden caught the fist in his hand and sent a punch to Percy's face but Percy also caught Aiden's fist with his free hand. It was down to a battle of strength and both of them were hundred percent sure that Aiden would win. Percy quickly sent a hard kick to Aiden's abdomen which made both of them part, this caused Aiden to lurch back. And Percy immediately roundhouse kicked him in the face. This sent Aiden flying back and crashing into the ground.
Aiden immediately shot up and dodged an incoming kick. The Son of Ares delivered a strong uppercut to Percy's jaw making the Son of Poseidon fly back and crash into a nearby tree.
'Damn he packs one hell of a punch.' Percy cussed.
Percy got up again and readied his stance.  Aiden charged at Percy and sent a punch to his ribs. The son of Poseidon dodged and backflipped, kicking Aiden in the face. The legacy of Ares stumbled back and before he could regain his balance, Percy crashed into him which sent Aiden flying back into a tree.
Aiden groaned and got up but a punch immediately met his face which made him fall back. Aiden groaned in pain and did a Chinese wake up.
"Never let your guard down." Percy said smirking.
"C'mon, you expect me to get up immediately from an attack like that." Aiden whined.
Aiden sighed and charged at Percy again.
The two continued to beat each other up in the name of sparring and after an hour of non-stop sparring, both of them were covered in blood and bruises. Both were almost exhausted but they kept on fighting.
Percy launched a kick at Aiden's face which he dodged and sent an uppercut at Percy's jaw. The punch landed and made Percy fly back and crash into the ground.
Percy groaned and got up.
"Do you feel it Aiden? That want for battle? Let it course through you. Don't let it take over you, be one with it." Percy instructed.
Aiden followed Percy's instructions. He felt something. Something dangerous. Something made of bloodlust. Aiden felt it trying to take over him, compelling him to just lash out. But he fought back, 'I won't allow you to take over'.
That's when it hit him. Unbridled strength coursed through him. Power flowed through him and damn did it feel good.
When Aiden opened his eyes he saw Percy standing there in a battle stance but with a smile on his face.
"You did it. You have learnt the Spartan Rage." Percy said. "And it's time to use it. Your first Spartan Rage will last a bit long so don't hold back. Your current strength has been increased tenfolds. I want to test and break my limits so come at me with all you got."
Aiden nodded and leaped at Percy.
To say Aiden was surprised was an understatement, the speed at which he leaped at Percy was utterly amazing. Percy didn't even see it when the punch landed in his gut. Percy flew back and hit the ground. He rose up coughing a bit of blood, he took his stance again and spoke. "That was amazing and painful. But let's see if you can do it again."
Aiden said nothing and charged at Percy with the same inhuman speed and sent a punch to Percy face. Aiden didn't know how or when Percy moved his hand but the Son of Poseidon blocked the attack with his left and with his right, he delivered a punch straight to Aiden's ribs.
Aiden felt the pain but it was toned down.  He went down and tried a swipe at Percy's feet but Percy jumped and kicked Aiden directly in the face while at it. The moment the kick connected, a sharp pain shot through Aiden's face making the legacy fall on his butt. But as quickly the pain came it vanished leaving only a slight uncomfortable feeling on his face. Percy didn't give Aiden time to recover. He launched blow after blow at Aiden with all of them landing accurately. But Aiden didn't feel the pain like he normally did. The Spartan Rage had decreased the pain a bit.
He got up and relished the feeling of absolute strength. He took in a deep breath then let it out and attacked Percy.
The two were engaged in a straight up fist- fight with Aiden gaining the upper hand. The more they fought the more ferocious Aiden became.
"Don't get lost in it Aiden. Don't lose yourself." Percy warned but it was too late.
Aiden's blood-red aura flared as he powered up. His energy was going of in waves. The wind itself was reacting to it as it was wildly expelling everything away.

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