Warp Frenzy - Chapter 18

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Chapter 18:

Life as a hunter isn't easy, especially one who is supposed to end a rebellion led by a powerful mad man. You have to always be on the move. You have to be ruthless, cruel, cold and a fucking killer. It went against all Percy stood for but he did it anyway. It was for the fate of the world, his family and his wise girl. He knew what he had to do and he did it, no questions asked. It helped to have Aiden around who understood more about it than him. Percy always hesitated but Aiden knew what had to be done and he did it without a second thought. At first it angered him to no end. Why should they burn all the prisoners who had been mutated? They could have been saved. Aiden knew it was too late and burned the facility down without a second thought. Slowly but surely Percy saw himself changing. He found himself understanding the need to end a life to save a thousand more. He now knew why his hesitation could mean the end of millions of lives. He found himself running mortals through with his sword or snapping the neck of a baby. He understood the need but he didn't like it. Not one bit.

"What are you thinking about man? We gotta stay focused." Aiden said while slitting the throat of a hyena. "This dude who is controlling the animals is gonna cause major harm to the wild. Let's quickly get this over with so that we can go score some ladies."

Percy rolled his eyes and swiftly beheaded two baboons, "I told you bro, I am already in a relationship." Aiden chuckled and spoke, "I'm no relationship expert but I know 90 percent of them do not end well."

"Then I guess it's good that my wise girl and I are the best of the other 10 percent." Percy rolled away from a flock of crows and sent dozens of icicles at them making them drop like flies. Aiden shrugged but said nothing. The duo continued their massacre until they reached the heart of the castle.

The hinges of the door was blown off as two figures stepped into the room.

"I was kinda going for a sneaky entrance, you know like ninjas and stuff."

"Dude you suck at stealth. Your best attempt to be stealthy ended up with you blowing up a mountain!"

"Yeah, yeah. Laugh all you want." Percy said, waving him off.

"Lay down your weapons all they die!"

Percy and Aiden turned to face the source of the voice and saw a man in bathrobes standing a few feet away from three women. Two of them looked to be in their early twenties or at least 19 while the last one was an older woman, maybe 30.

Aiden raised an eyebrow and took out a gun, "I can literally kill you before you take a step closer. Who the fuck do you think you are t-"

Percy tapped Aiden and pointed at the hostages' necks. They were small but noticeable. Three insects hovered near the necks of the women.

"Those are my insects. These ones are specifically bred for assassination. They contain poison which can kill anyone in under a minute. So bewar-"

"Yeah, cut the crap jackass. We didn't come here for them. We came here for you so kill them if you want, I don't care as long as we send you to Hades."

A panicked look crossed the man's face but he quickly hid it under a mask of anger, "Very well. I won't kill them instead," A buzzing sound begun to emerge around the room as a million bees seemed to slowly trail into the room from all directions. The robed man stretched his hand toward Percy and screamed, "Die!"

The bees swarmed Percy and Aiden and the man thought they were gone for good. A smirk appeared on his face as he run a hand through his green hair.

"They were all talk huh? Now ti-"

The bees exploded into pieces as they were easily consumed by the blood-red flames of carnage. "Dude, next time make sure we are dead before you go on with your crappy monologue or whatever." Aiden said as Percy strolled towards the man who backed up. "Get away from me! Do you know who I am?! Please don't kill me." He tripped over a broken vase and fell unto his ass. "He will have your head for this! Bow to me and I will make your punishment lenient."

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