Let's Ride Fate! - Chapter 15

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3rd Person's POV.

"Guard duty sucks. We stand here all night and do nothing. Nothing ever happens." The cyclops said gruffly. The monsters had finally reached their destination. The mage had selected his guards namely, a cyclops and a hellhound, to guard the entrance while he performed the ritual.
The hellhound nodded in agreement and was about to speak when they felt a shift in the atmosphere. The guards looked at each other and turned to look back into the thick night forest.

The hellhound sniffed the air and it's eyes widened however before it could move two wolves burst out of the tree line and tore through their throats immediately turning them into golden dust. The two wolves, one cold blue and the other flaming red, spit the monsters remains from their mouths.

"Seems like they have began Perce." The flaming wolf said to his companion.
"Then we have to end it quick." Percy responded. Together the two bounded into the cave. Percy and Aiden appeared in a well lit cave. It had all sorts of things ranging from body parts in jars to magical artefacts. But the most prominent was the group of about fifty monsters that were in the middle of a glowing magic circle that was being controlled by a man in dark rags. The occupants of the cave quickly took notice of the two new creatures.

"Hey y'all. A little birdy told us there is a party going on here." Aiden said. The mage raised his eyebrow at that while the monsters growled.
Percy gave a wolfish grin and spoke, "We don't mean to be such a bore but party's over fellas." With that both Percy and Aiden opened their mouths and out came two long beams that began to destroy everything in the cave. A blood-red beam for Aiden and a blue hydro-beam for Percy. From there on, chaos ensued.

Aiden and Percy still in their wolf forms leaped into action and began to engage the monsters in battle. The monsters broke out of the magic circle and also met the duo head on.

Percy took a lung chunk out of the side of a cyclops and ripped out it's throats with his claws. He moved on to battle a hellhound by tackling it to the ground and disintegrating it with a hydro-beam from his mouth. He leapt at a cyclops which launched it's club into Percy's side, sending Percy flying a few metres away into a cave wall. Percy growled in anger and pain and got up to face the cyclops. Percy with a burst of speed, ran at the cyclops with his jaws open for a large bite. Surprisingly, in a rare burst of skill and intelligence, the cyclops jumped back and Percy was intercepted by two dracanae who spun their tridents and launched it at Percy.

No matter how skilled and fast these monsters were, Percy was far better even as a wolf. With incredible agility, Percy leapt over the tridents and in mid-air, he launched a hydro-blast from his mouth straight at the pair of dracanaes below him sending them straight to the pit. Percy landed on their remaining golden dust and lunged at the nearest monster, a telekhine. Percy caught it between his teeth and threw it at the cyclops. Mid-air, the telekhine burst into gold dust, blinding the cyclops and making it stumble back. Percy took the chance and launced himself at the cyclops and ripped out it's only eye with his deadly sharp claws.
The cyclops let out a roar of rage and pain but it was cut short when Percy's canines found it's throat. Percy gave a wolfish grin and jumped back into battle.

Aiden was being pushed back or so the monsters thought. He was inwardly grinning as he faked struggling against the group of monsters. He allowed them to gang up on him so that he could take them out easily. Right now he was going against eleven monsters. An empousai slashed at his face but he avoided it by ducking. The empousai swiped at his face again but Aiden moved to the side only to be hit by a cyclops club. He was sent flying into a cave wall. The flames around him began to slowly die down making the cyclops grin.
"One down, one to go." A dracanae hissed. The monsters turned back to go and fight Percy. Big Mistake. The moment they turned Aiden still in wolf form burst into flames and quickly got to his feet. The monsters turned in surprise as Aiden gave a wolfish grin.
"Wanna know how monster steak looks like?" With that Aiden let loose a torrent of blood-red flames from his mouth instantly burning the monsters down with the exception of three cyclops which had their skin burnt off.

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