Toast? Nah Waffles(Chapter 8)

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3rd Person POV
"Calm down buddy. I'm just trying to hel- shit." Percy cursed as he dodged another blast of fire.
"C'mon buddy, it's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you." Percy said as he walked slowly and carefully toward the dragon. The dragon calmed down a bit and allowed Percy to come near it.
"Okay so let me cut your binds first then check up on the wound." Percy uncapped Riptide and cut the chains binding the dragon. The dragon puffed out some smoke in content and gave the dragon version of a relieved sigh.
"Now can you please shift a bit so I  see the wound." Percy asked the dragon.
The dragon eyed Percy a bit and shifted to the side to allow Percy to treat the wound.
This surprised Percy because dragons find it hard to trust others.
Percy concentrated a bit and pulled some water out of the air and used it to clean the wound. He then took a bottle from his pouch containing a mixture of minor god level alcohol, nectar and liquid ambrosia. He called it Percy's liquid of healing.
He poured a little on the wound and fed some to the dragon.
The wound began to heal slowly and in a few moments it was gone. The dragon stood up and blew a stream of fire into the sky.
  "Okay you're fixed and ready to-"
The sound resonated through the entire forest as Riptide fiercely met the might of another sword.
"You got good reflexes kid, I will give you that. But I'm not here to appraise you. Step away from the dragon." Hyperion said in a serious tone. He still looked the same as Percy last saw him. Full imperial gold armour? Check. Blazing eyes? Check. Murderous Intent? Check.
"I will have to admit you almost caught off guard. But I'm not leaving the dragon to your mercy." Percy said readying Riptide while activating his powers to counter any surprise attack.
"I don't have time for this." Hyperion spat and shot a blast of fire at Percy. Hyperion expected a pile of Ash but he received the unexpected. The Titans fire blast was intercepted by a blast of water resulting in steam.
Hyperion stared at the steam in shock. "What just happened? How did you do that? Where did the water come from?" The Titan kept firing questions until he stopped to look at Percy. "Who are you?" Hyperion asked.
"Narnia" Percy replied going into a stance.
"None of your business." Percy yelled and lunged at Hyperion with an overhead strike. Hyperion snapped out of his shock and blocked with his imperial gold sword.
Percy sent a slash at Hyperion which was again blocked. He swept at the Titan's leg and this made Hyperion jump to avoid it and that was all Percy needed. The moment Hyperion's feet touched the ground ice crept up his feet to his leg.
Percy went on to prepare a hydro-beam and that's when things went downhill.
Hyperion completely wreath himself in flames this burning the ice. The Titan then went on to the offensive and delivered an uppercut to the demigods abdomen making Percy stumble in pain. Hyperion then hit Percy with the flat if his blade making Percy fly of into a tree.
"Nuisance." The titan spat. Hyperion turned to the dragon and smirked evilly.
The dragon tried to blast Hyperion with flames but the Titan appeared unscathed.
"Just come with me like a good pet and-"
"I'm not done with you yet Hyperion." Percy said. 'Well I guess my Hydro-Blast has improved'
"Show me your face demigod." Hyperion demanded angrily. Hyperion simply didn't understand how a mere demigod had stopped his fire blast, keep up with his speed but more importantly hurt him.
"My identity is not of importance it is this battle." Percy replied back.
Hyperion engulfed his sword and entire body in flames. "Then I guess I'll have to rip that hood of your dead body demigod."
Percy raised an eyebrow and decided to play with the titan of light. "What makes you think I'm a demigod."
This took the Titan by surprise."You're not? I assumed you were a demigod because the gods send demigods to their biding. Then you must be a god. That explains why you are so strong and powerful."
Percy smirked under his hood. "What makes you think I'm doing the gods dirty work and who said anything about me being a god?"
"But you were helping the dragon recover and you fought me. What is your aim here?" Hyperion said confusedly. 'What is going on?'Hyperiin thought.
"Who knows. I might be helping the dragon for my own personal gain and I may also be a different force on my own having a grudge against you." Percy replied.
Hyperion's flames died down as he spoke.
"I don't get it. You and I are not allies or friends. You are also not allies with the gods and I presume you have not joined forces with the giant so where do you stand." Hyperion said completely confused.
"I- Hyperion behind you."
"I'm not fallin-"
Hyperion was cut off by a hydro-blast hitting him from behind. Percy wasted no time and run at a disoriented Hyperion.
Percy slashed at Hyperion who sloppily blocked. Percy then kicked Hyperion in the face and delivered a slash directly to Hyperion's arm. Hyperion roared in pain and blasted Percy with fire. Smoke filled the air as Hyperion engulfed his body in flames and shifted into a battle stance.
The smoke cleared to reveal a perfectly fine Percy.
"How?!" Hyperion asked in shock which made Percy smirk.
"A magician never reveals his secrets." But in reality, Percy had coated himself in a thin layer of water and ice to withstand Hyperion's attack.
"Jackson you are so, uh what's that mortal term, toast? Yes Jackson you are so toast." Hyperion yelled.
"Sorry light bulb, I'm a waffle kind of guy."
Hyperion roared in rage and charged at Percy. Percy blocked Hyperion's first strike and tried to deliver an attack of his own which Hyperion dodged. Percy then quickly mist traveled behind Hyperion and slashed his back creating a large gash on the Titans back. Percy charged up a hydro-blast and launched it into the gash.
Hyperion screamed in pain and kicked Percy in the guts. Percy doubled over in pain and Hyperion took that opportunity to release a torrent of white hot flames on Percy.
The sounds of Percy's scream filled the forest and that delighted Hyperion.
But before the titan could make a move, a dragon tail slammed into him sending him flying back.
The dragon nudged Percy towards his healing liquid. Percy grabbed the bottle and chugged down it's content. Percy's black skin turned back to normal and the pieces of skin that were burnt off were now healed.
"Thank you. But you have to get out of here before he gets to you" Percy said to the dragon.
"Jackson!!" Hyperion's voice cut through the air.
Percy turned to the dragon. "You have to go, now." The dragon hesitated a bit before it unfurled it's wings and took off.
'Back to business.'
Percy capped Riptide and coated his hands in ice.
"Hyperion." Percy yelled. "It's time for the real fight."
Hyperion charged Percy and slashed at his head. Percy blocked with his arm and grabbed Hyperion's sword. The sword instantly turned into ice and it shattered into pieces that same instant.
"What there-" Hyperion was cut off by an uppercut to the jaw from Percy followed by a punch in the gut and a hydro-blast to the shin.
"Ahhh, my leg." Hyperion screamed with pain evident in his voice.
Percy wasted no time and removed Hyperion's helmet and slammed it into the Titan's face.
"You will regret th-" Hyperion began but was cut off by a punch to the face.
"Shut up and spare me the crap." Percy said.
"Try avoiding this." Hyperion roared and released a torrent of flames at Percy.
The demigod began to run around to avoid the constant flow of flames. He changed course and ran straight for a tree. The moment he was close to the tree he used the tree as some sort of spring and back flipped over the flames and delivered a punch to Hyperion's arm completely shattering it into ice shards.
'Ahhhh." Hyperion screamed.
"I will get you for this, mark my words." Hyperion said to Percy.
"Now, run away like a cry baby back to boss or whatever and make sure not to cross my path again or else" Percy said leaving the threat hanging.
"I will be back." The one armed titan spat and vanished in a flash of flames.
"That was eventful." Percy muttered.
Percy flipped a coin and in a flash of light the king of gods was before him.
"What trouble have you gotten yourself into now." Zeus groaned.
"Nothing, I just wanted you to know that I fought Hyperion." Percy stated casually to Zeus.
"What?!" Zeus screamed.
"I was just helping a dragon when..." Percy then went on to inform Zeus about everything that occurred.
"Hyperion is out of Tartarus? What did he want?" Zeus asked.
"He didn't say but I think he came to recruit the dragon which means he and whoever he allied himself with is gathering an army." Percy said.
"An army?! Another war?! We just got out of the last one." Zeus yelled out in frustration. "Wait did you say you shattered his arm?"
"Yeah I did. The fucker almost burned me alive." Percy said.
'He grows stronger and stronger everyday. I have to make sure he doesn't join the enemy. It could turn out bad for us.' Zeus thought.
"Alright. If you get wind of any suspicious activity let me know." Zeus said.
"Sure and can you tell the hunters and the campers to stop searching for me? Evading them is becoming boring." Percy asked.
"Well I can try but I doubt they will stop. You are their hero after all. And you have to hide yourself better because some gods are now looking for you." Zeus said.
"What?! Why?" Percy asked exasperated.
"Ever since you decided to add another job to the one I gave you aka saving demigods and transporting them to the camps, hunters or Amazons, the gods have grown curious about who has been saving their kids. So they are now after your ass." Zeus explained.
"Ok that makes a tad bit sense but please help me. After all you sent me on this mission." Percy whined.
"Fine. I'll do my best but it may not be enough. I may be king but the gods always do things behind my back so I can't guarantee it." Zeus said.
Percy nodded and was about to mist warp when Zeus called for him.
"Athena is doing her best to make her daughter detest you but your brother Dan, I gotta give it to him he got some balls. He is always putting a wrench in Athena's plans."Zeus said to Percy.
Percy smiled." He is my brother. Messing up the plans of gods is our thing. Goodbye Zeus. Smell you later." And with that the Son of Poseidon disappeared.
'He has gotten better at it. That boy might be turn out to be our most powerful hero or  our most powerful enemy. Anyway I need to get back to my date.' Zeus thought.
In a flash of light the clearing was empty.

Two hours later.
"A battle occurred here." A punk looking girl with a silver tiara said.
"No shit Sherlock. Look at all these scorch marks. It must have been one hell of a fight." A redhead in a silver parka said.
A girl about twelve years old with auburn hair and a silver bow who ironically happened to be the leader was staring at something on the floor.
"M'lady, is something wrong?" The girl with the tiara asked.
"Thalia, that helmet is for Hyperion. He was here and by the looks of it he was beaten up badly." The girl said.
"That explains the scorch marks but who was he fighting." Thalia asked.
"That is what we need to find out. Inform everyone to get ready. We will leave in few minutes." The auburn haired girl said.
"As you wish Lady Artemis." Thalia said and left to rally the hunters.
'Hyperion is out of Tartarus? Who was he fighting? I sure hope a war isn't coming our way.' Artemis thought.
"Alright let's move."

A/N: Wassup Guys. This is the eighth chapter. This is my gift for you. Please correct my grammar and don't forget to vote and the polls are still up. Have a nice Easter. Bye

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